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Fascinating interview: Patrick Lancaster visits wheat farm in Russian-controlled Kherson oblast

Note the cagey mood of the Ukrainian agriculturalists whom Patrick interviews; clearly people who have been used to watching their mouths carefully during rule by the Kiev junta - with added nazi thugs always nearby.

Now they give off - very carefully! - a sense of some hope that things will get back to normal… under Russian rule.

Note too the way the farm boss is entirely obedient to current industagri orthodoxy, showing fields abandoned by neighbours, fallowing nicely as they recover from years of industagri battering, and lamenting that it will take a lot of work to “kill all these weeds” and drag the soil back to the lifeless state required for grossly unnatural, currently-orthodox systems of grain monoculture industrial farming, arti-ferts, glyphosate and all…

This is that glorious chernozem steppeland which does fine - even without the ruined irrigation system that the farmer laments. All it needs is re-introduction to the natural semi-dryland prairie-style folk-farming that traditional practices used to operate so successfully. As the farmer says, he can double+ the yield per acre above trad systems; but only with irrigation, arti-ferts, and poisons. Obviously never heard of the recent advances in permacultural technique which would give splendid overall real-goods returns as copious as current orthodox industagri can manage; or more so, even… And with the added advantage, so crucial in these times of the irreversible ending of the brief age of energy-splurge, of getting back to the old trad Chinese equation of ten calories of food-energy out for every calorie of work energy put into the cultivation; instead of industagri’s insane reversal of ten calories of (entirely unsustainable) fossil-hydrocarbon energy in for every one food calorie delivered! :roll_eyes:

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Looks like Patrick uses the same t-shirt supplier as Zolinskeyy, Cokelinsky, however it’s spelled this week