Harvested btl in JMGreer’s latest monthly AMA blog. Will China be any more successful at this sort of socio-spiritual command society than other hopefuls in that line have been? Probably not, I reckon. The Long Descent is going to swallow all human societies comprehensively, after all. Those who by blind chance just happen to be luckily placed, anywhere on the planet, will be the likely survivors. And will any such motley crew consent to have their/our ever-ornery human spirit to be controlled from above, reliably, forever, even though we’ve always refused - eventually - to do this, right through human history? Dhyb for China managing it:
It reads like a hit piece, albeit with very nice table manners, but I found myself broadly agreeing with this supposéd bogeyman.
If and when the SHTF there are probably two broad types of response. One is the armed fortress, us against them paradigm, see The Road, Black Summer, etc. The alternative approach (Fever **, The Stand would stand a better chance in a cultural milieu such as the one Wang Huning seems to be advocating.
** If you fancy a post apocalyptic thriller now and then this is very worthwhile. Set in South Africa and originally written in Afrikaans.
Very minor spoiler (revealed within 20 pages)
First published in 2016
Yes of course, anyone “living and working in Washington” is likely going to subscribe to the ‘China-bad’ kneejerkery that abounds there, just to keep the smallest shred of credibility amongst his/her ‘peers’. So, of course, apply a heavy discount to the whole piece. I just thought, though, that this interesting information about Wang might be worth archiving in the memories of savvy dissidents.
We in the West really know so little about the real China, as distinct from the ridiculous propaganda cartoon with which we’ve all been gavaged since childhood, that any little snippet of - possibly - real information about it is always welcome. Just needs a good hefty shove to correct its inevitable lean. You do well to apply that shove, K!