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Fairtrade farmers are planting seeds of a greener, fairer future - will you Sow Your Solidarity?

"Sow Your Solidarity by demanding fair funding for communities living with the worst effects of the climate crisis. Sign your Community Declaration to show local politicians there’s real grassroots support for global action on climate justice.

Thousands of Fairtrade campaigners are planting wildflower seeds as a symbol of their solidarity with Fairtrade farmers working hard to take on the climate crisis. We are currently out of stock of our free wildflower seeds, but after you sign we’ll share tips on where to get your own wildflower seeds, how to grow them and ideas on how to use them to get political support." Pledge | Fairtrade Foundation


GKH, in my neck of the woods they have to pay people, all year round, to cut the verges on the side of roads; such is the proliferation of the green stuff (they use diesel driven machinery to cut the plants).

The obvious thing here, and relating to your post, is that if they seeded plants that humans could eat we would never be short of food; albeit a vegetarian diet. Even with that, you could still give the veg to your cattle or sheep or chickens, if you prefer meat.

In the European climate there is an almost unlimited amount of food, if it were managed properly.

Instead they force you to go to the supermarket ($$$), and they want you to plant wildflowers.

Trust me, you don’t have to plant wildflowers. They will grow anyway (the clue is in the name).

Just my point of view.



Having spent time in Findhorn and other places where engagement with the environment is encouraged I can only see such as a good thing…if people on my estate would cultivate the (often rather generous), garden spaces they have we could all be much better provided for…honestly you look around this place and if all you see is garden furniture, dereliction or just plain lawn and wasted good growing land… the “community centre” has been closed since I got here 12 years ago…is now becoming derelict…it has land too, land that could be used to educate the local population (& beyond), in how to make the most of their tenancies (and properties), …


Exactly the sort of ground that I mean when I speak of guerrilla gardening, G. Loads of it around, just waiting for the Cuba Option. Wave of the Great-Crash2 near future, obviously. (And I’ll post my account of guerrilla growing spuds in turf this year, just as soon as the last few plants quit photosynthesising, and can be pulled. Then I’ll know the total yield.)