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Fabio Vighi with a credible outline of who launched the covid scam, and the real reasons why

To add to Fabio’s piercing analysis, can I just suggest that globalist scams such as he describes here are an inevitable feature of a human world just beginning to crash against the final buffers that are putting an end to the long ‘growth’n’PROGRESS!!!forever’ lunacy that’s kept our dominant economic theories in trance for so long.

This is what starts to happen when The Limits To Growth begin to bite so hard that it’s no longer possible to claim credibly that they’re not happening. This is the early days of the start of the Long Descent:

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He has written several other pieces and the most recent one I’ve seen, from 09/22, is very worthwhile.


[each] step in the global economic downfall will continue to be matched with emergency narratives

(Bearing in mind this is the argument formulated by Giorgio Agamben, well before Covid. He refers to it as the State Of Exception.)

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