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EXCESS DEATHS: how much longer can this horror story be suppressed. Decent people need help

Katie Hopkins quoting The Lancet

This is the Lancet piece that KH has quoted: Excess mortality in England post COVID-19 pandemic: implications for secondary prevention


John O’Looney’s open letter from further down the board in case anybody missed it:

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Hi @Rich . Despite my distaste for Katie Hopkins, I did listen to most of it.

That said, I’ll try to answer your question “how much longer can this horror story to be suppressed?” The suppression is simple in the lamestream but not in any of the uncensored media. It’s simple by just using lies, dammed lies and statistics they (the GIC’s and their slaves) can show anything. I don’t have the patience of others here to analyse the detail behind many of the BS official data like the latest ‘adjusted’ OECD mortality figures (reminiscent of climate change ‘adjusted’ figures?). But like you I just can’t believe that people can go on justifying the jabs and the other associated BS.

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Hi folks, KH’s limited hangout is better than no hangout I suppose. But I noted she failed to link the Lancet author’s listed connection to Pfizer to the failure of that author to mention the Jab ( or as KH refers to it , “the elephant in the room” ) as a “possible cause” for this “inexplicable” series of excess deaths! Maybe this is just covering her YT monetising ability, I don’t know!
