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ECHOEarth/still has fewer than 2,000 members although 300,000 people & organizations have signed #5G


5G mast

In 1996, when almost no one owned a cell phone, and WiFi had not yet been
invented, organizations formed to oppose wireless technology in order to protect
our world from an unprecedented assault. The telecommunications industry planned
to put a cell phone in the hands of every man, woman and child so they could
communicate instantaneously from any point on Earth to any other point on Earth.
In order to accomplish this, and for the first time in the history of the planet, every
square inch of the Earth was going to be bathed in microwave radiation at all times.
Also every human being – all seven billion of us – were going to become sources of
such radiation. This was also unprecedented. Human beings, like all other creatures,
were part of nature, not its enemy. But for the first time in the history of the Earth,
every member of one of its species was going to be emitting radiation wherever they

Today, in 2021, when almost everyone owns a cell phone, WiFi, and an average of
23 other wireless devices, both the organizations and their goals have changed.
Health and nature have already been destroyed, and the fight is no longer against
wireless technology but, often, against each other. The purpose of this article is to
review this history in order to remind people of the purpose of our movement and to
unify and redirect global action once again to where it needs to be: against all of
wireless technology in order to stop the radiation and recover our health and
environment before it is too late. I will focus this article on the opposition in the
United States because I am most familiar with it, but similar dynamics have been
operating in other countries.

On February 8, 1996, the Telecommunications Act was signed into law, mandating
the rollout of wireless technology across America, and prohibiting local governments
from protecting their citizens’ health and environment from the radiation that it
produces. Both existing and new organizations all over the United States united to
oppose wireless technology and to try to restore democracy.

The EMR Alliance, which until that time had focused on radiation from power lines
and computers, now directed its energies to fight cell towers. Citizens for the
Appropriate Placement of Telecommunications Facilities was organized. I helped
found the Cellular Phone Task Force to oppose not just cell towers but cell towers’
reason for being, which is cell phones. Other organizations that formed included Noe
Valley Families Against the Antennas; Healthy Home Alliance; Families for
Appropriate Cellular Tower Siting; Ulysses Citizens for Responsible Technology;
Hardwick Action Committee; Thistle Hill Neighborhood Alliance; Coalition of
Concerned Citizens for Responsible Technologies; Citizens of Marin for Sensible
Communications Planning; Northboro Residents for Responsible Tower Siting;
Telecommunications Master Plan Coalition of San Francisco; and Rainier Valley
Association for Safe Wireless Technology. These and other groups, individuals, public
officials, and the Communications Workers of America, joined together to sue the
Federal Communications Commission in order to protect health, nature and

In 2000, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against us, and the Supreme Court
refused to hear our case.
In the aftermath of our failure, a national coalition called the EMR Network was
formed to try to unify efforts to protect us all against radiation. But in the five years
since the passage of the Telecommunications Act, a majority of the population had
acquired cell phones, and many had also acquired WiFi, which had recently been
invented. Cracks formed in the coalition, which was beginning to split into factions.
One faction still opposed all of wireless technology. Another opposed cell towers but
not cell phones, as if one could exist without the other, and as if the radiation did not
come from both. A third represented the interests of people who called themselves
electrically sensitive. And not only were there differences of opinion among us, but
outside interests had infiltrated our movement and helped to divide us.

The EMR Alliance, which had previously functioned as a national coalition, vanished.
Its corporate counsel, Michael Withey, was the head of a national network of
personal injury lawyers hunting for million dollar lawsuits, called the Electromagnetic

Radiation Case Evaluation Team (EMRCET). When those lawyers concluded that ours
was a losing cause and there was no money to be made from lawsuits about
electromagnetic radiation, EMRCET disbanded, and the EMR Alliance also

Another lawyer, James Hobson, who had represented most of the parties before the
Second Circuit, and who became counsel for the EMR Network, was a
telecommunications lawyer who, simultaneous to representing the parties against
the FCC, represented a number of telecommunications companies, as well as the
Telecommunications Industry Association, on other matters. He had also previously
been in-house counsel for the FCC.
George Carlo, a lawyer as well as a scientist, who had headed up the
telecommunications industry’s effort to prove cell phones safe, made headlines
when he switched sides and wrote a book condemning cell phones as dangerous. It
was titled Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age. He attempted to join the
national coalition against wireless technology, but like Hobson, not everyone trusted
him. He had spent most of his career as a scientist-for-hire working for major
polluters. In addition to being hired by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry
Association to prove cell phones safe, he had been a consultant to the Tobacco
Institute, Dow Chemical, Dow Corning, the Chlorine Institute and other polluters and
published articles for two decades purporting to show that tobacco smoke, breast
implants, dioxins, herbicides, and other chemicals were not dangerous.

Eventually the EMR Network, beset by internal quarreling, broke up and yet another
coalition, called the EMR Policy Institute, formed. And gradually, over the years, as
the wireless industry’s adversaries came more and more to also be its customers,
they abandoned, for the most part, the fight to protect human health, nature, and
democracy. Many opponents of cell towers today are not only not opposed to cell
phones, but they are heavily addicted to them and have damaged their health from
years of exposing themselves to their radiation. The birds, insects and animals have
already disappeared from their yards and they have grown used to living without
them. I used to get more calls asking how to help fight wireless technology. Now,
more often, people call me or email me from their cell phones asking me what is the
safest kind of cell phone to use, how far away from their body to hold it, what kinds
of devices will best neutralize the radiation, and how to distinguish a 5G tower from
a 4G tower. When I tell them that radiation is radiation, that there is no way to
“neutralize” it, that distance doesn’t matter, and that it is destroying the Earth
regardless of what you call it, they don’t understand what I am saying. More and more, they ask, in frustration, “What is the alternative?” And when I answer that the
alternative to not having a cell phone is the imminent, well-under-way destruction of
all life on Earth, including their own, they don’t seem to register what I am saying.
They simply can’t imagine living without a cell phone. ECHOEarth (End Cellphones
Here On Earth), an organization that I helped create in May 2020 in order to build a
movement to abandon wireless technology, still has fewer than 2,000 members
although 300,000 people and organizations have signed the International Appeal to
Stop 5G on Earth and in Space.
Meanwhile the EMR Policy Institute has also disappeared and a lot of new
organizations have taken its place. The focus of many is not to stop wireless
technology, or even cell towers, any more, but just to stop the newest version of
them, which is called “5G”. There is an international coalition called Stop 5G
International. In the United States there are Stop 5G Chicago, Stop 5G San Diego,
Stop 5G Hawaii, Stop 5G Georgia, 5G Free California, 5G Free Vermont, 5G
Awareness Now, 5G Colorado Action, Citizens Against 5G Cell Towers, and dozens of
other organizations with similar names. For many it is not because they no longer
think radiation is harmful, but because they have given up trying to stop it, and
because most of their members own cell phones.

And there are still outside interests assuming positions of leadership in our
movement, and telecommunications lawyers representing us in court. Children’s
Health Defense, directed by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is doing wonderful advocacy
work. However, it has been represented in its legal work against 5G by Scott
McCollough, a telecommunications lawyer. Like George Carlo and James Hobson, he
claims to have switched sides, but his website does not say anything of the sort, and
he has told me that he does not believe RF radiation harms everyone, just people
with electromagnetic hypersensitivity.
And there is a new national coalition that is now filling the void left by the EMR
Policy Institute. It holds Zoom meetings every other Friday, and has invited a series
of excellent speakers to present at these meetings. But they are only speaking to the
choir, and the organizer of that coalition, Odette Wilkens, is a technology lawyer who
makes her living representing IBM. IBM is the company that launched a “Smarter
Planet” campaign in 2008 and a “Smarter Cities Challenge” in 2010. Everything IBM
does today depends on cell phones and wireless technology. I have asked Odette
whether she has a conflict of interest, but she has not responded. She is also an
animal rights activist for which I admire her and I would like to be able to trust her,
but she has give me no reason to do so.

Odette tried to sabotage the amicus brief that was filed in support of our current
petition to the U.S. Supreme Court. She convinced the coordinator of the amicus
brief not to file it, after a lot of organizations had already signed on and people had
already donated money toward it, so that I had to find another organization on short
notice to take over the effort and get it filed. She told a lot of people why not to sign
on to the amicus brief and why not to donate money toward it. It was after she did
this that I investigated her and discovered who she works for. Her new website,
wiredbroadband.org, doesn’t even have her name anywhere on it. In an interview (at
37:55) she said, falsely, that the preemption clause in the Telecommunications Act,
which we are again asking the Supreme Court to strike down, does not apply to 5G
and that people should not worry about it. She said that local governments are free
to prohibit 5G towers to protect our health and environment because they provide
“broadband” services and not “cell phone” services.

But that is false. Today “cellular” and “broadband” have merged and there is no
difference. 5G provides both voice and internet services. And the preemption clause
does not say “cell towers,” it says “personal wireless service facilities,” which
encompasses everything. We are back before the Supreme Court after twenty years
asking it, again, to strike down that clause, in order to restore to local governments
the right to protect our health and environment, and impose liability on
telecommunications companies that injure and kill people. In 2000, the Second
Circuit addressed only the issue of States’ Rights. Today we are asking for our
Personal Rights to life, liberty, and property. And in our petition to the Supreme
Court we are represented not by telecommunications lawyers, but by lawyers with
expertise in environmental law and civil rights.

The radiation emitted by cell phones is more, not less harmful than the radiation
emitted by cell towers. There are 15 billion mobile devices in the world, and only
seven million towers. And the phones are right next to everyone’s body. The main
difference is that people have become used to them. People have become used to
the absence of butterflies and sparrows. People have become used to being fat and
diabetic, and at risk for heart attacks and strokes. By this newsletter I am reaching
out to all organizations and people who love this Earth. I ask them to remember
what they are fighting for and to unite together in a campaign to abandon wireless
technology and eliminate cell phones from this planet in order to save it. Cell phones
are not the only threat to life on Earth, but they are the most urgent.

Cell phones are effectively radioactive devices. The idea that they are not radioactive
comes from a mistaken distinction that the medical community made a century ago,
which most people persist in believing despite a century of research showing that
distinction to be little more than a fantasy. It is a fantasy that says that (a) only
radiation above a certain frequency is energetic enough to remove electrons from
molecules to form ions, (b) this causes genetic mutations which are the cause of
cancer, and (c) radiation is harmless if it does not cause cancer.

The most obvious of those fictions is that radiation has no effects besides cancer.
Whereas in fact radiation acts directly on the electrons in our mitochondria, slowing
metabolism, making us hypoxic, and causing diabetes, heart disease and, yes, cancer.
Radiation also acts directly on all the electric transmission lines in our bodies,
including our nerves, our blood vessels, our heart’s pacemaker, and yes – even
though western medicine doesn’t recognize their existence – our acupuncture
meridians. All this plays havoc with life and in just 26 years has wiped out most of the
Earth’s insects, a large percentage of the small birds, and is imminently threatening
to put an end to what’s left – including us – if we do not put an end to it.

Please work with me on a campaign to abolish cell phones. It is necessary, it is
realistic, and the alternative is unthinkable. Thousands of people have written to me
over the past few years asking how they can help. You can all help to begin this
movement by throwing away your cell phones and joining ECHOEarth. As soon as
enough people have joined ECHOEarth so that it has strength in numbers, I will
contact the people who want to work on this in earnest and we can discuss the next
Arthur Firstenberg
Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life
Administrator, International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space
Caretaker, ECHOEarth (End Cellphones Here On Earth)
P.O. Box 6216
Santa Fe, NM 87502
phone: +1 505-471-0129
January 26, 2022
The last 35 newsletters, including this one, are available force.org
January 26, 2022
The last 35 newsletters, including this one, are available for downloading and
sharing on the Newsletters page of the Cellular Phone Task Force. Some of the
newsletters are also available there in German, Spanish, Italian, French, Norwegian,
and Dutch.

To subscribe, go to SUBSCRIBE • Cellular Phone Task Force.

This subject is ignored as a human rights issue because it is considered the province of the neo-liberal (and trespassers will be exterminated), nevertheless, I give no one permission to invade my aura and penetrate my body and reserve the right to resist such intrusions!










Unfortunately the text is difficult to read so I may only be responding re one aspect of this, which is the invention of “needs”.

A good example, decades ago, was the Sony Walkman. By creating a device where you could “take your music everywhere” the whole boundary between public space and private space was redrawn. The evolution of cellphones and the infrastructure to support them followed the same path: create the technology and the “need” for that is easy to instil. And the parallels with pharmaceutical industry is undeniably obvious: create a syndrome or illness to market your drug to.

All of the above creates dependency, the need to buy stuff drives the need to work for a wage and, in turn, drives the need to behave in approved ways to secure/keep the job. Unless and until one can step outside of this, the insanity of it all is concealed many layers deep.

I don’t know if 5G radiation is dangerous but it seems highly likely, the further embedding of this sick matrix of falsified needs certainly is.


I agree the creation of addiction is key to the social effect of such devices. What better example can there be than the sight of people walking on the street (or worse driving), with their eyes glued to a screen whilst taking no cognisance of the people or places around them? The same is true on public transport. Is it any wonder that society has become insensate to the pain within the body politic? No I.T gives life it can only enhance living experience, it seems to me that we are in danger of fostering generations of maladjusted misanthropes or worse xenophobic psychopaths, however, that said I do believe that it is the Eye of Sauron that will itself consume these consumers as WiFi technologies simply represent the cockroach-like servants of Khaos.


Eye of sauron


Latest vignette of borg-life in the village near where I live: Young fellow in his twenties, off one of the new green-field-raping ‘developments’ of oversized, under-insulated ‘superior homes’: rolling along on an electric scooter, one hand on the handle-bars, other holding a twat-phone before his eyes, keeping him hypnotised…

Rude awakening for his generation when The Limits To Growth take away all the toys, and insist on a lot more harder-working life, for a whole lot less reward, beyond the bare necessities.

Still, the inappropriate-housing will at least lend itself to multi-generational occupancy by then, 3, 4, 5 bedrooms and all. And I imagine that the fleet of sucker-trucks (2-ton, 3-litre, 4-wd, 5-miles-to-the-litre posing pouches for the ecologically-inadequate) that clutter up the ‘developments’ at the moment will all have gone for urgently-needed scrap by then; those that haven’t been converted to chicken coops. :laughing:


To go #EthernetOnly on you home router (first make sure you have an Ethernet cable connected from your router to your device), find the passwords on your router* & access “settings” with the I.P address (this varies depending on your service provider eg.:https://support.plume.com/hc/en-gb/articles/360020332234-Disable-Wi-Fi-TalkTalk -Nb. if you Google your service providers I.P address re: “settings” you should find it easily enough-), and “log-in” using your WiFi Network Title & the WiFi Password and the same to disable the WiFi, do not use either the Router Username or Router Password or your I.P address will no longer be recognised and you will need to reset the router to default (by using the “pin-hole” reset button on the back of the router and depressing it for at least 30 secs), and re-access the I.P address to use the correct title and password (if you do reset to default the WiFi signal will be re-enabled and you will need to disable it again).

*You will find the WiFi Network Title, WiFi Password, Router Username and Router Password on the back of your router.


Don’t make it easy do they? You’d think that a simple on-off button on the router would suffice! It’s like when I tell people I don’t own a mobile-phone and don’t want a Smart Box, they genuinely seem to think I’m crazy (“abnormal”), consent is presumed guys, this should give the lie to the whole charade.

Eleventh hour

Any problems, contact your service provider!

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I might be able to lay my hands on one of those gizmos that will transmit your network traffic via the electrical circuit. Anyone tried that?

Yeah that’s Ethernet…should go fine…I run mine straight from the router (sometimes you might need a longer Ethernet lead than usual -depending on your set-up-, but most suppliers can accommodate longer peer-peer extensions), …but you can connect in any room in your domicile on the same circuit if you have the requisite plug adaptors…YouTube should have a tutorial…it’s not difficult…let me know if you have any problems…