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Dr. Tom Cowan and Vandana Shiva mentee Indra Singh on the growing grassroots revolution against BigAg/Tech, by Indian farmers

Intelligent and informative conversation. 56 minute vid. Well worth the time, even for the vid-averse:


BTW, this was another lead to a little-known discussion, harvested btl from one of the hundreds of commenters who frequent Off-Guardian. Kudos to them! I pick up a lot of good leads by combing through the comments. (With the usual percentage of fools, loonies, and 77brigade-style propaganda liars, of course; so harvest with care!)


@RhisiartGwilym. I thought this interview (even though long watching at 1.25 speed) was so good, I have added a short bit below to encourage others to listen to it. Thanks for posting.

"While most people would say the biggest story in the world right now is the Covid crisis, another huge but less well-known story is also happening. This is the amazing story of the Indian farmers’ revolt happening near New Delhi since last March.

In this week’s podcast, I interview Indra Singh, who is chronicling the heart-warming, inspirational story of how the farmers in India are rising up against corporate and government oppression. It is a story of courage and love and an inspiration about the road to a future we all need to create. Please don’t miss this conversation; it will bring tears to your eyes and give you hope that we, the people, are far from defeated."

Exactly so Pat! The - wholly unreported by the West’s Permanent Bullshit Blizzard, of course - revolt of the Indian farmers - 700 million of them, as Indra points out - against the globalist gangsters and their poodles in the Indian government is a striking demonstration that the will to resist is indeed not dead, and the gics have by no means an open goal to drive their rackets forward. The covid scam too will die of this will to resist, eventually. The hypnotised suckers of the Western world are not the only peoples in the world; not even the majority. Human bolshieness will prevail against the gangsters’ plans, eventually. :laughing:

PS: The difference between the peasant farmers of India and we of the West is that they have their backs to the wall, and thus understand that they must organise and rise up to form a substantive opposition; whereas we here are mostly still too bloatedly comfortable and unruffled in our lives to be arsed with such demanding and grim work - yet! The crazy nuisance of the covid policies has dented our fat easiness of life somewhat. A bit more of that and even the overstuffed plebs of the over-rich West may start to stir a bit, and terrify the manipulators…