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Dr Cremola: Media Ruled by Robust PsyOp Alliance

The composition of the world power drivers is becoming clearer.

Cremola’s summaries are handy. At the risk of butchering it here’s some of the gen.
A little-known director of a small consulting firm for the Democrats was a key player in a 2017 disinformation scandal about fake Russian bots to defeat Republican candidate Roy Moore in a narrow election by portraying him as “Russian-backed”. Despite this, or rather because of it, she has risen in the ranks of (supposedly counter-)disinformation spooks. Her CIA connection was briefly revealed and snapped at an internal conference (got to about 18m)

Now she’s a major driving force. Cremola explains about the Atlantic Council, the Council on Foreign Relations and the proposed One World Government, which is essentially to end democracy.

The spade work for all this was done by investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger.

Permanent pdf link: https://media.mercola.com/ImageServer/Public/2023/November/PDF/media-ruled-by-robust-psyop-alliance-pdf.pdf

Temporary link: Media Ruled by Robust PsyOp Alliance

The permanent link may be missing the link to this 8m video
Michael Shellenberger. with Brett Weinstein


Story at-a-glance

*Investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger has exposed Renée DiResta, research director for the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), as one of the key architects behind the censorship industrial complex
*DiResta is connected to the CIA, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), which seeks to implement a One World Government
*Before DiResta became research director for the SIO, she was the research director for a small Democrat donor-funded political consulting firm called New Knowledge LLC that created thousands of fake “Russian bots” and used other disinformation tactics to alter the outcome of a local election
*DiResta’s reputation was not destroyed by this revelation. Instead, she’s been elevated to more prominent “disinformation expert” positions
*The U.S. Department of Homeland Security created the EIP and outsourced what would otherwise be illegal and unconstitutional censorship to it. In 2021, the EIP was rebranded as the Virality Project, at which point the information being censored shifted from elections to that of COVID-related matters, including factual information about the COVID jabs and their potential dangers

Link: Media Ruled by Robust PsyOp Alliance