5 Filters

Dr. Charles Hoffe outlines the creeping disaster of micro-clotting caused by the poison-stabs

Think of them, as he hints, as a time-bomb, primed to cause a - plausibly-deniable - uptick in deaths over the next few years. This clip harvested from a btl poster at Off-G; an ever-productive source of good, dissident, information:

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And this, about the delta scariant bollocks, also harvested from the same btl stream, just below the one posted above:

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This is a very articulate and succint exposition from Dr Hoffe.
Rough transcript below

I started to see injuries in my vaccinated patientsā€¦(describes six vaccinated patientsā€¦) I didnā€™t know the mechanism of injury, I could see it was iatrogenic, medically-induced.
Vaccine manufacturers told us that the spike protein remains in the arm, and that the antibodies were produced in the arm.

Dr Brodie (ED - I think this should be Dr Byram Bridle) told us only 25% stays in the arm. Later: the rest collected through the lymphatic system and is distributedā€¦round the entire body. Every Dr knows that absorption from the circulation occurs in the capillary networks - because thatā€™s where the blood slows right down. Itā€™s going through these tiny vessels, so these nano-capsules, containing these trillions of messenger RNA molecules, are absorbed in the lining around the capillaries, what medically we call the vascular endothelia. So these little packages are absorbed into the cells around the vessels, the packages open, the body recognizes these mRNA strands as a gene and gets to work making covid spike proteins. In a virus, these covid spike proteins form part of the viral capsule. But the problem is, theyā€™re not in a virus - theyā€™re in the cells around blood vessels. As a result they become part of the cell wall. Normally the cells that surround your blood vessels have to be very very smooth, to enable good and unimpeded flow of blood. But as soon as youā€™ve got all those little spike proteins, that become part of the cell wall, itā€™s now a rough surface, itā€™s going to be like a very coarse sandpaper, itā€™s now what the platelets are going to interpret as a damaged vessel - itā€™s no longer smooth, itā€™s rough. So clotting is inevitable, because the platelets that come down that vessel are going to hit a rough spot, and assume this must be a damaged vessel that must be blocked to stop the bleeding, thatā€™s how clotting works. So clots are, because of the nature of this, clots are inevitable - because of these spike proteins in the capillary networks. So I set out to try and prove this. Could this theory be correct? The problem is these little clots in the capillary networks are microscopic, and they are scattered - so they are not going to show in any scan, they are just too small and too scattered. They are not like the big clots that cause strokes and heart attacks - they are too small and too scattered. How on earth can we know if the person has clotted(?) The only way is with a blood test called a D-dimer. So the D-dimer is a blood test that will show up a recent clot - it wonā€™t show up an old clot it shows up a new clot, and it doesnā€™t tell you where the clot is, it tells you that the clotting mechanism has been activated. So I have now been recruiting people in my practice, people who have come into my office and others that have heard me speak about this, and have asked people to do this D-dimer within one week of their covid shot. So far, and this study is ongoing, these are preliminary results, so far Iā€™ve got 62% positive elevated D-dimer, which means that the blood clots are not rare - thatā€™s what the so-called experts keep telling us. The big ones are rare, but the small ones are clearly happening in the majority of people. Sixty two percent. Now Iā€™ll tell you what the real concern with this is, is that a clotted vessel is permanently damaged. That vessel never ever goes back to normal. So if this theory is correct, and it really looks like it is by these D-dimer results, and Iā€™m told itā€™s been done in Australia and in the UK and they also found elevated D-dimers - and they theyā€¦discarded the information because thereā€™s no clinical evidence of clots. Well the reson is theyā€™re microscopic and theyā€™re scattered, and so youā€™re not going to see clinical evidence. All of the frequent side effects of the shot - which are headaches, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, could all be a sign of cerebral thrombosis on a capillary level. You could literally be having thousands and thousands of little, tiny clots in your brain, they wonā€™t show on a scan but they will give you those exact symptoms. So the concernā€¦I have now got six people in my medical practice who cannot exert themselves the way they used to, what medically we call reduced effort tolerance. Six people who now get out of breath doing things they could previously do without any problem. So I believe these people blocked up thousands and thousands of capillaries in their lungs. So I now believe these people now have permanently damaged lungs. I have one fellow who used to walk two miles to my office every week for a shot for his arthritis, and he says after a quarter of a mile heā€™s done, in other words his effort tolerance is reduced to one eighth of what it used to be. And so Iā€™ve sent some of these people for chest x-rays and CT scans to see what it shows, and all it shows is distorted architecture - what the radiologist described as increased articulation, itā€™s a very non-specific thing, and itā€™s because itā€™s microscopic itā€™s justā€¦ but the concern is that because these vessels are now permanently damaged in a personā€™s lungs, when the heart tries to pump blood through all those damaged vessels, thereā€™s increased resistance trying to pump the blood through those lungs. So these people are going to develop something called pulmonary artery hypertension. High blood pressure in their lungs. And the concern with that is that those people will probably all develop right-sided heart failure within three years and die. Because they now have increased vascular resistance through their lungs. And lung tissue and heart tissue and brain and spinal tissue and all of that does not regenerate - in other tissue it can regenerate, liver and kidneys but there are some tissues where it cannot, and so this absolutely explains what Iā€™ve seen in my patients and thatā€™s what Iā€™m doing to prove it and my study is ongoing.

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I went looking for the rest of the Dr Hoffe video to see if I could hear what the other docs were saying about it. I was unsuccessful, but I found this instead.

Clear expositions from well informed docsā€¦studies flash up on the screen that they refer to, you can pause and go get them if you want, other wise it flows well, with each rebel doc having their own covid topic to challenge.

Particularly interesting are the contributions on asymptomatic transmission (hardly happens?) and children transmitting (they donā€™t especially not to adults).

Update - Link to appalling fact check:

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The AFP fat-chequers didnā€™t provide a btl comments section, but they did provide an email address to ask for more ā€˜clarificationā€™ of their lies. So I sent this:

ā€œEnjoy you fat cheques, chact feckers! And grow some balls and a conscience ASAP. Until then, all your ā€˜fact checksā€™ go straight in the rubbish bin, where they belong. Shame on you, mediawhore Judases!ā€

One thing we can do, in our supposed ā€˜helplessnessā€™, is to slag these liars-for-hire as soundly as possible, on the hope that some at least will have fits of doubt and even - gasp! - conscience. I know rational argument with courteous mein is the ideal to aim for. But when speaking with people who are either hypnotised suckers or cynical career-serving liars-for-money, that doesnā€™t seem to make much impact. Save it for the unhypnotised and the honourable. They at least can be reached that way. With the others, itā€™s simple slugging war to the knife. We just have to beat them out of credibility.


Your email was certainly clear enough! LMAO. I think the cheques may be thin ones - donā€™t see itā€™s a skilled operation. They donā€™t look for logcal flaws, they just find someone qualified willing to make a criticism of any kind, even a suggestion that something might be wrong, any aspersion will do. I donā€™t think they expect most readers will even think about it. I donā€™t really know, Iā€™ve never heard fork chucks cited by a real person, and Iā€™ve only seen one one such subjects that might just have scraped a pass (while still being less usfeul than the piece it was criticizing).

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