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Dr. Bailey stirs the 'no such thing as viruses' pot again

Weird how this ancient, seemingly dead argument has resurrected so energetically on the back of the covid-flu scam. Bet the conspirators didn’t foresee that in their table-top babblings…! :laughing: And it’s this - the deadly-microbe hypothesis - which is the sacred, unquestionable basis on which all the ‘vaccine’ cash-machine racket is founded. With that gone, what would happen to the - fantastically-profitable - sacred ritual of ‘immunisation’ by needle?

Naturally, as a layman - sorry, layperson! - I don’t know which is more important in episodes of illness: germ or terrain, though I suspect terrain. Keep the terrain healthy, and ‘dangerous germs’ suddenly become useful, and indeed essential, messenger exosomes, doing their necessary stuff in communicating between creatures which new evolutions in the air-water-soil plankton need to be noticed and archived in individual immune systems.

What does make me wonder is the calibre of the voices all raising the issue again, and striking at the very foundations of the whole discipline of virology with anomaly-arguments that sound kosher to me. It’s always the eventual aggregation of anomalies which bring down a moribund theory, in the history of science:

It is a dynamic that is no more resolvable than nature Vs nurture. I think the GICs have all bases covered though, just as they do the other “health” issues.

Let’s take “mental illness” as an example.

Am I mad because mummy was a cold hearted agarophobe? Send me to that £80 an hour shrink. Is it because my brain is out of whack? A few sessions of ECT ought to solve that, here’s our invoice. Could it be that I could prosper under the “better living through chemistry” paradigm? Take two of these tablets a day, your Medicare will pay. Or is insanity just a construct in a world that is mad? Let’s kick down some statues… And So On.

Thomas Szasz pointed out that illness tends to leave organic traces that can be isolated and examined: the cyst, the rash, hair that drops out, etc. If an action can mitigate or stop that manifestation it seems reasonable to call that a cure. But there’s now so many layers of competing bullshit superimposed that I doubt anyone can be healed by professionals of any stripe.

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