Grisly indeed, Rob. Bloody nano-dynamite! (Pardon the ghastly pun.)
There’s an awkward entanglement that’s happened over the population thing, that I notice coming up more and more; it’s this:
Point one: the human species has been in a growing population-overshoot event since at least the time of Parson Malthus, which is why he was on to the overall reality of that so correctly, although - as is so usual with we hasty humans - he got the timing wrong. These processes - all kinds of clearly-growing problems - fool us like that, typically growing on a Gaian or a geological timescale; whereas we, especially the Hollyshite indoctrinated, expect it all to be completed in something like a weekend.
So, our overshoot has been growing at its own pace, and that growth has been extended by various ingenious techie-reponses that we’ve devised, like public health, better food, much more, intensively-cultivated food, hyper-techie medical tricks, and so on, all of which have lifted the number (and the life-expectancy) of people who can be crammed onto the planet; somewhat - for a very limited time, that is.
Amongst the key factors that have enabled this artificial increase in our overshoot, before the final reckoning begins to bite, has been the amazingly-close way that human numbers track exactly with per-capita energy use: the more energy available and used, per person on average, the more excess numbers we can go on sustaining - for a short extra time.
This is not surprising, once you grasp deeply the primacy of oodles of cheap, easy-get energy needed to drive - well - everything. Virtually every damned thing we do requires actual physical energy (at exactly the right time, of the right kind, supplied precisely where and when it’s needed, like diesel injectors shooting their precisely-calibrated doses of ‘solid’ (zero entrained air) oil-spray into the cylinders at precisely the right moment in the ‘suck-squeeze-bang-blow’ four-stroke cycle.
NOTHING gets done on this planet without that sort of actual, physical energy transaction driving it. (Muse about it a bit; see whether you can think of anything AT ALL that’s exempt…)
And now, of course, fossil-hydrocarbon energy - literally the one and only sort of available energy that has been able to drive and sustain our burgeoning numbers, and our burgeoning demands on the lifeweb of the Earth - is on the dwell of it’s all-time production zenith: the ‘bumpy plateau’ of the peak-oilers. There is absolutely no credible - key qualifier! - alternative source of energy readily available right now to take its place; literally none at all. And now it’s about to get much dearer, and more restricted, than before. Permanently. Per-capita use is on its inexorable way down again.
OK, cut to the other issue: Since Malthus’s time, at least, there have been gics who want to cull their cattle - which is what we commoners are in their ludicrously superiority-complexed minds. Over the past century or so, this has manifested as the eugenics tendency: people who fantasise about how they might reduce our numbers drastically, by force; and moreover might selectively choose who of the survivors may breed and who may not - to ‘improve’ the species; in their image, presumably. Utter shits all, obviously; the gatesoid tendency.
All this means that we are now in steadily-deepening deep shit.
The entanglement, though, is that lots of - well, let’s say just shallowly-informed people - immediately jump to the idiot conclusion that anyone at all who tries to point out the objective reality of the overshoot, and of the well-studied ecology of the natural processes which both kick them off and cure them, is immediately shriekingly-attacked by the anti-eugenics obsessed. I cop this sort of hysteria all the time over at Off-G, where the editorial team have this truck-wide gap in their understanding of population dynamics, garnished with a strongish dose of cornucopian startrekkytechietechie thinking, poor buggers! (Let me be clear: I despise and oppose eugenics absolutely, too. But not to the point where it makes me refuse obdurately to see the obvious human overshoot now at or near its peak. Bugger that sort of hysterical fanaticism!)
So - the eugenicist bastards too see the objective fact of our current, non-sustainable overshoot. And they think this is their action call to start a serious global cull. They may well succeed in reducing both fertility and absolute numbers to a limited extent, with the vast scam of the poison-stabs. They will not, however, have any magisterial effect on the natural processes of overshoot-resolution, which is now either already just begun for hom sap, or imminent. Not only are we not collectively capable of deciding to reduce our numbers voluntarily and - above all! - humanely and justly; truth is, we probably couldn’t do it as surely as the natural processes will, anyway.
That brief - actually disapproving - showing of the Meadows team’s ‘Limits To Growth’ curves, in the documentary, shows the probable paths of the five key factors that the study actually traced; population being one of them. And TLTG has placed the timing of our spontaneous reduction of numbers really getting going in the middle decades of this century. And btw, though we’re still awash with easy, substanceless claims that TLTG was rubbish, and has been ‘comprehensively debunked’ (hah!) the realworld fact is that it’s been closely on track from the early seventies, when it was published, till right now.
So sure, we should finger all the crooks, at whatever level, who’ve had a hand in pushing the eugenicists’ covid racket, and haul them before Nurnberg 2 tribunals, there to kick the shit out of them - figuratively speaking natch; I’m on record as preferring the milder retribution of stripping them of all ill-gotten gains resulting from the scam, followed by substantial periods of compulsory community-service labour, to make amends and rehabilitate themselves. This would go not only for the actual criminal plotters themselves, but all the bamboozled and fear-stampeded useful idiots, and all the goalongtogetalongers, who compounded the disaster with their cooperation.
This vid - ‘Died Suddenly’ - has been for me another push towards the Mike Yeadon position: that enough insight into the whole covid racket makes it ever clearer that the ultimate, underlying purpose of the inner core of conspirators was a grand global cull of ‘surplus humans’. People like me, of course…
Thanks again for the headsup, Rob!