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Demockericy in action -One party State as Liarbour supports Tory NHS latest privatisation proposals

Hi folks , the latest example of “never let a good crisis go to waste” :

" The plan is disguised in jargon that hides the real meaning and significance of what the Tories are doing – and dressed up as a response to the pandemic when in fact it is part of a Tory plan that has been in execution for more than a decade, to fragment and parcel off the health service to the Tories’ ‘mates and backers’.

The group has started a parliamentary petition against the plans, but all too typically Labour’s leadership and health spokesman have failed to inform people about the real nature of the Tory’s ‘integrated care organisation’ plans, let alone properly oppose them. In fact, Shadow Health Secretary Jon Ashworth seems to be ‘intensely relaxed’ about them and even supportive."


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Probably fairly easy to push through all the while the emergency laws, ahem, stifle discussion, and the supine opposition devotes all energies to dog-piling poorly considered Tweets.

To paraphrase the Upajjhatthana Sutta: we are all of the nature to age, we are all of the nature to sicken, we are all of the nature to die…

Pretending otherwise is big business in the 51st State as elsewhere.