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Dear Mr Chomsky,

might be of interest:

------- Forwarded Message -------
From: Rippon
Date: On Wednesday, April 26th, 2023 at 8:40 AM
Subject: potential criminality on your part
To: noamchomsky@arizona.edu noamchomsky@arizona.edu

Dear Mr Chomsky,

I wish to draw to your attention to this extract from an article here in the UK:

while the Online Safety Bill and the consequences of it will mark a concerning shift toward criminalising dissent and eroding our fundamental right to freedom of speech, it will also allow the courts to do something many people in this country have been demanding for the past few years.
Because what Matt Hancock (former UK Health Secretary), who orchestrated the cruel and criminal premature deaths of the elderly and vulnerable during the alleged pandemic, doesn’t realise, is that if his demand is made law, he himself could face prison time because he has been spreading propaganda, lies, misinformation and disinformation about the Covid-19 vaccines since December 2020.

/full article here:
Matt Hancock admits he should be in Prison after demanding Jail Time for Vaccine Misinfo & “Anti-Vaxxers” in Orwellian Online Safety Bill – The Expose

This relates to a point I tried to make to you in our previous discussion:

You too need to be careful what you say about ‘covid’ and the ‘pandemic’ and ‘vaccines’; because the political climate around these matters is shifting (in light of the increasing recognition of the harm being done by the jabs), and it might shift so much that you yourself might become recognised as the ugly (possibly criminal) propagandist (e.g. for big-pharma) that you have become.

You have had plenty of opportunity to learn from the dissident literature (with plenty of direct links provided to you) around vaccines, covid, covid-jabs and the Great Reset; and for someone of your scholarly credentials, that would have been quite a trivial task. You made a deliberate, perhaps calculated, choice not to do so.

Yours sincerely,

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Hahaha! I’ve just read the point. Yes it would apply to Hancock, as one of the key spreaders of misinformation. And NC too - also, he has already said vaccine refuseniks should be confined.

Not that he will rise to the bait. The great mind that taught us to be independent of authority will fire back some CDC claim from CNN, or data from Pfizer.