5 Filters

Dead babies don't take things off of shelves

I may have misremembered the distasteful Alice Cooper lyric used as subject line. Some parts of the Hasbara narrative are coming apart big time, those beheaded babies - no fewer than forty apparently - being a prime example.

As James Delingpole comments:

I do love a good human interest story, which is why I now refuse to read any of them

He cites a Miri Finch article, link below. I’ve not been following her very closely lately, too many other, more reasoned, sources and her approach tends to be offputting: throw everything at the wall, some of it will stick. Even so, this one is worth a read because she hammers home her key question: why now?

EDIT: I see that @NewSi (Hi Simon) linked to this in the longer thread, apols for the duplication.