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Copy of a comment left below an article at The Duran

Left below an article by that odd old reactionary who goes by the handle ‘The Dark Man’, at the Alexes’ website:


‘Covid 19’ can’t actually be produced as a physical sample, in a test-tube, that has been isolated, purified, and run through Koch’s Postulates, to prove that it really is a respiratory-disease pathogen, Al. Not a single authenticated sample anywhere, that anyone can show. Whether ‘natural’ or goffed.

Despite intense FOIA searching over this past three years, no-one anywhere has been able to turn up a single - proven - physical sample. Not one, when you look nitty-grittily. Just lots of tendentious computer GIGO, generated by the increasingly-questionable ‘science’ of virology.

Also, the comprehensive All-Cause Mortality analysis done by - for example - Denis Rancourt and colleagues (qv: Denis Rancourt Interview - How A Deep Dive Analysis Of COVID Data Reveals A Pandemic Did Not Occur) shows that, though there have been a number of spikes in deaths, all clearly caused by the measures taken ‘against the pandemic’ and by the poison-stabs (aka ‘vaccines’), there seems to have been NO actual pandemic per se.

That’s right: zero Public Health Emergency of International Concern, or PHEIC (pronounced ‘fake’). You know: the sort of sudden appearance of a novel illness which sweeps swiftly round the globe, causing a massive sudden increase in illness and death. Nil, nada, zero, zilch.

Just a lot of hysterical - WHO-coordinated - propaganda, to stampede the over-trusting, for highly sinister purposes. With lots of useful-idiot, high-IQ technocrats piling on board with the PHEIC, because their careers, their social standing and their comfy income require them to double-think themselves into line-toeing, or get trashed…

You know, by now, that current joke, don’t you, Al?
“What’s the difference between a cospithirry and established fact? These days, about six to nine months.”

Catch up when you’re ready, Al dearie…! :slight_smile:



Nice one, Rhis. You’ve absolutely nailed it here.

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loving PHEIC, is that a new one or have I missed it up until now? :crazy_face:

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Been around for some time, I first heard it from Reiner Fuellmich.

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Ah, good for him. Haven’t watched any of his stuff for some time. Did the hoo-hah with his female collaborator, whom he allegedly did Bad Male things to, I forget what, get resolved? Glooge is oddly unforthcoming.

Reiner’s story is that she was an unreliable timekeeper in their work, and - in some way - irresponsible about money.

I thought the whole thing sounded like the kiss of death to their covid investigation work; maybe it was dirty tricks sabotage. Don’t know. Haven’t heard anything much from Reiner - or Viviane - since.