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Copy of a comment left at Off-G

Under the article titled ‘Denying The Demonic’. I just thought that the ideas precised in my comment there might help to encourage people here too, who may be suffering currently from ‘Believed-Powerlessness Syndrome’ (aka BurPS? :slight_smile: ). It ain’t true! We’re not powerless; especially not when acting in concert with other practitioners of this ancient, natural skill!

Give it some serious, tenacious attention, and you’ll soon surprise yourself at just what you can achieve - even if you just stick to low-magic, aka coincidence-magic, to protect yourself from the existential shock of close encounters with high-magic, aka ‘miracles’…


Materialising mediums can still perform the psi-feats attributed to Jesus (and his parthogenetic mum), even today. Raising ‘the dead’ (actually very convincing physical facsimiles of the departed)? No problem. Often done. You have to find your way delicately into this extremely discrete sub-culture of the genuinely-gifted mediums (though always be on watch for fakers-on-the-earn; when no money is solicited, it’s a good sign), but once you do gain entry, psi ‘miracles’ aren’t all that hard to witness. I’ve seen such myself, plenty of times.

Never debunk knowallishly what you haven’t researched adequately!

And yes I know, psi-terrified truth-fearers like James Randi claim that all these things can be – and damn-well ARE! – done by trickery. And – up to a point, and to a limited extent – they can, at least on a superficial level. But the real stuff can be found and witnessed, if you really want to.

Permanent open-minded scepticism, that key instrument of the scientific method, to which so few scientists actually live up, is essential for sorting out the authentic stuff. (Note that ‘open-minded’ is bolded; for good reason.)

The dogmas erected by others on the probably-real psi-talents of Jeshua the Nazarene are entirely questionable and rejectable. But the fundamental reality of psi can only be dogmatically denied by those who’ve resolutely avoided the evidence. And there’s a lot of that fanatical avoidance about. It’s chronic, in fact. Close encounters with ‘miraculous’, flamboyant psi-events shakes us up to our very cores; all of us; there seem to be no exceptions. You have to treat it with steady sobriety, and tenacious determination, to get anywhere.

And why is this relevant to the evil that’s rampant in the world today? Because we ALL possess the psi talent, to some degree. It’s a natural thing. And it can produce truly miraculous effects, especially when done communally: sweat lodges, shamanic ceremonies, ceremonial magic, seances, communal prayer, and such convivial magic-making sessions. It’s also most probably the organising principle behind UFOs and crop-circles (think of them as close relatives of poltegeist events…) And apropos that reality, always keep in memory that US nuclear-ICBM base where every single missile was disabled for a while, at the same time that a glowing ball of light was hovering near the perimeter fence. As testified by one of the commanding officers of the base.

When the rampancy of evil spilling from the depths of the human psyche gets out of hand, the psi-faculty that also resides in another gallery of those same deeps rises up to counter the evil from going too far. And giving a helping hand to that counter-force is something that literally anyone can do, despite all our delusions of powerless helplessness. We do it simply by maintaining, and reaffirming in daily meditation sessions, the unbending intent that good will prevail. Put some exemplifying, metaphoring images on those meditations of unbending intent, to give them more ginger: Something that comes spontaneously, and feels right to you.

And if you do that, you’ll be very much in line with the great purpose of Big Mind (also often called god), and doing what you came here to do. Come here repeatedly to do, in fact, life after life. Consult the testimonies of the NDEers, and the OOBEers for further confirmation of these ideas. They bear a remarkable near-unanimity.

And btw, this practice of creative visualising with unbending intent is also very good for maintaining health – in both yourself and your nearest and dearest. See, for one example, oncologist Carl Simonton’s classic book, written with his wife Stephanie, ‘Getting Well Again’. A landmark text from a veteran frontline cancer specialist. Practicing such mind-work – along with mega-doses of vitamin C, and all the other well-proven prophylactics/cures – will allow you to off any nasty respiratory ill pretty decisively. That-all has kept me 100% flu/cold/covid-free for going on thirty years – never down ill with them, and without any bleedin’ ‘vaccines’ in the whole of that time, and longer. Still working for me at going on 81. Saw covid off in three days of very mild ropiness and rest. Nothing worse. Magic!! :slight_smile:



One of Curtin’s better articles I thought. An entertaining reply too RG, wouldn’t have seen it otherwise so thanks for the paste-over.

I particularly enjoyed the reference to “parthogenetic mum”.

Would personally tend towards the nuts and bolts school of ufology studies, and the allied planks and ropes school of cereology.

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Nuts and bolts and planks and ropes simply don’t explain the more outre behaviour of these manifestations, K.

Certainly there are people claiming to do the crop-circles by entirely ‘normal’ hoaxy means; and they’ve demo-ed a few; which of course come nowhere near the more astonishing, intricate and soul-haunting patterns that have appeared overnight - literally overnight - in each season. The hoaxers just can’t match those, try as they might. And their efforts are usually much more messy, less astonishingly precise than the real objects.

Similarly, there are no known nuts-and-bolts contraptions created by any known human technology, anywhere on Earth, which can come anywhere remotely near to being able to do what US Navy pilot David Fravor describes in the manoeuvres of the ‘tic-tac’ UFO that he was chasing in his fighter aircraft, in the recently-described incident off the Californian coast.

The only hypotheses which can accommodate these observed capabilities are: either an ET technology far beyond anything which humankind have currently, or can even accommodate within our current theoretical physics worldview. We just can’t do that stuff. Or at any rate, not with techie-techie tricks.

Or if they’re not alien super-technology, they’re manifestations of a paranormal faculty coming from some consciousness somewhere.

But I’m here to tell you that I’ve actually witnessed comparably ‘impossible’ feats, done with nonchalant ease by our - by someone’s - psi faculty. (I was never really convinced by the ET hypothesis, since when you get up close with these events, it’s unmistakably obvious that they are responding intimately to what’s going on in the minds of the human conjurors. We and the events are clearly in close telepathic rapport.)

Note another couple of wrinkles observed by veteran psi-researchers:

Ambiguity of perception promotes paranormal events.

Those six words are what I call ‘Batcheldor’s Ambiguity Principle’, to honour a crucial insight of Ken’s, gained in the course of his dedicated quarter-century of experimental research. I’m deliberately echoing the world-famous ‘Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle’, in quantum mechanics, of course. The basic rule of most scientific research, of absolute clarity of perception of what’s going on in your experiment being essential to good practice, has to be suspended when you’re trying to conjure psi-events. In this field, a fog of ambiguity (which allows all who are having a psi-avoidance fear-fit to grab onto any handy ‘normal’ explainaway) is an essential comfort-blanket/sanity-preserver, which must be in place before participants can dare to venture just a little way beyond the boundaries of the ‘possible’, to rustle up ‘impossible’ things. That’s why a lot of group conjuring work operates in darkness; or at least starts there, then creeps in a bit of light when the work-session is running hot.

And then theres the Trickster/Coyote/Loki phenomenon: Do psi-research and you’ll come up against it soon enough. But clearly it operates in everyday life too, pranking people who have no inkling that they may be getting a Trickster game played on them. It’s the constantly-observed tendency of some mysterious principle in the reality which we inhabit which plays utterly mystifying tricks on us. Tricks which send us off on orgies of baroque theoretical speculation, that always seem to end up getting nowhere, and running into the sand. Classic wild goose chases in fact, as if ‘something’ is trying to underline again and again Puck’s famous line from ‘Midsummer Night’s Dream’: “Lord! What fools these mortals be!”

Subtle, innit? :smile:


If we don’t reclaim sovereignty over our own bodies (and esp. auras), we will slip into permanent servitude…you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear Rhis no matter how good your intentions! #ViscousSnitch