Barbara Bush - dunno, people losing or gaining weight can be deceiving.
Obamas - maybe there’s been some clever photoshop morphing. Otherwise, I plan to deny ever having seen this picture. They can’t prove I did! Anyway, I didn’t have my glasses on.
Clintons. The one on the left doesn’t look like Hillary, even apart from being at least six inches shorter. (Maybe they are standing on soft ground and Bill was delayed taking a call from a Monica ). Could be they used a stand-in, the happenstance of both wearing masks supports this.
I try to avoid thinking about these mind-ferkers, it would disturb my universe…
There was a blogger in Southend whose name I forget. He did an excellent analysis of the “murder” of a soldier called Lee Rigby in London. His analysis showed there could be no doubt it was a psy op.
The point of this is he went on to do exactly what some of photos above purport to show, except his attention to detail was forensic. He showed almost everything we are shown in still photos where public figures are displayed, is either completely false or hugely photoshopped.
Eventually, MI5/6 got to him using his daughter and grandchild and social services. Can’t have too much of us plebs knowing what is really going on now can we?
Framing for the most part. I’ll come back to Barbara Bush.
By miming out approved behaviours our beloved leaders signal what to do for the significant percentage of people who “have the telly on in the background”.
There’s a time for appearing hungry and determined. And there’s a time when the warm friendly lady gets what she wants. I believe BB was still an accomplished and determined do-gooder while her reptile husband gradually ossified out in the back yard.
Why the latter is framed as masculine is a question I leave here for any stray semioticians to gnaw upon.