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Congratulations to the Communist Party of China on its hundredth anniversary

[BTW, why is the ‘socialism’ subject category right at the bottom of the list, and almost falling off the page? Did you know it’s there? I’ve only just noticed.]

Linked below is a piece by Peter Keonig for Saker, about China’s recent recovery into being a formidable world force in history. Naturally, a salt-cellar will be needed when thinking about what he lays out, but probably not a bucket of salt. The optimism is worth cautious endorsement, I guess. But the eco-geophysical realities of The Long Descent have not gone away, and they will continue to impose their imperatives on every part of the world, including China and its growing empire. But at least for the time being, into the short/medium term future, these developments are worthy of some hope. The Chinese way of doing things is eclipsing the Anglozionist/Western imperial way, and that is likely to turn out to be a net good for the Earth, and for Mam Gaia’s life-robe - I sincerely hope. At least it’s a socialistic way, even if it’s ‘with Chinese characteristics’, whatever that turns out to be:

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It’s very well worth sprinkling a little of John Michael Greer’s much larger vision over Peter’s optimistic China view, to get a better perspective. John grasps the imperatives of eco-geophysics much more lucidly even than most of the pretty capable thinkers such as Peter. To my knowledge there are only a few future-peerers who come up to this standard of enlightenment. Something to do with John’s early life training as a practically competent mage, I imagine. :grinning: And btw, John’s strictly moderated btl comments are ALWAYS worth time. John filters out the sub-standard stuff and leaves only the quality filtrate; they always have something useful to add:


Two great reads, thanks @RhisiartGwilym

Picking up the theme of JMGs piece two paramount examples of ancient tech:

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