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Concentration Camps For ‘High Risk Individuals’

Jesus! They’re not hanging about are they?


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Thanks for posting, (I didn’t want to give a ‘like’ to concentration camps…)

UK Column covered this on Wednesday this week but as I’m so bored of all the sh*te, as usual I was only half listening. Hence, if you want to know what they said, you’ll have to listen for yourself!

Hi Rich

A few thoughts

  • Tennessee is clearly running out of hospital beds to handle the struggling covid cases. @RhisiartGwilym more evidence for hospital overwhelm straight from the governor of the state

  • the national guard seem to have very specific roles in the state of emergency document: ambulance drivers, nurses, testers. Not sure what the problem is there exactly. They are also putting students out into these roles.

  • isn’t isolation for the vulnerable exactly what the Great Barrington approach to covid is? Lock up the vulnerable and leave everyone else to get on with life? No suprise that the extremely right wing governor of Tennessee is a supporter of this right wing doctrine

  • in what way is this a “concentration camp”? Will they be starved? Put to work? Sent to gas chambers? I find the choice of description highly misleading. A more accurate description might be to call them “Great Barrington camps”

Overall it sounds that Tennessee, like Florida and Texas is really having a bad time of covid. We can add them to the other places around the world that are just getting overwhelmed by this disease…


Hi @PontiusPrimate , there have been big increases in jabs in Florida , I didn’t look at Texas or Tenesse, some counties with over 70% jabs - but there seems to be a dearth of information as to whether these poor people dying in Florida or elsewhere have had the shot or not. I could find no breakdown of Vaers data by State?

I no longer think we should use “case” numbers for any analysis.


Some data

10/08/2021 Popn Cases Deaths Deaths cpm/day dpm/day Case Recent case
(m) gradient gradient per m last wk last wk fatality fatality
Louisiana 4.650769231 1.2 2.1 2421 1157 7.2 1.9 0.6
Arkansas 3.033333333 1.2 1.0 2084 753 5.8 1.6 0.8
Florida 21.46715328 1.7 2.1 1860 1274 5.7 1.4 0.4
Nevada 3.079470199 1.0 1.5 1961 355 5.7 1.6 1.6
Mississippi 2.973421927 1.4 1.9 2572 796 4.5 2.1 0.6
Missouri 6.130136986 1.1 1.4 1706 470 3.3 1.5 0.7
Kansas 2.905882353 1.3 2.4 1831 372 2.8 1.6 0.7
Arizona 7.280487805 1.3 1.7 2526 331 2.7 1.9 0.8
Alabama 4.898734177 1.2 1.7 2373 670 2.6 1.9 0.4
Wyoming 0.580645161 1.5 1.0 1354 384 2.5 1.2 0.6
Montana 1.055555556 1.3 1.2 1632 221 2.0 1.5 0.9
Texas 28.8 1.4 1.3 1872 487 1.9 1.7 0.4
South Carolina 5.145299145 1.5 2.0 1940 546 1.8 1.6 0.3
West Virginia 1.795918367 1.6 1.8 1655 200 1.8 1.7 0.9
Tennessee 6.802816901 1.4 1.3 1888 485 1.8 1.4 0.4
Georgia 10.61276596 1.8 1.9 2057 523 1.8 1.8 0.3
Idaho 1.795918367 1.2 1.1 1238 293 1.7 1.1 0.6
Oklahoma 3.945054945 1.2 1.5 1909 510 1.7 1.5 0.3
Utah 3.177777778 1.0 1.2 788 260 1.7 0.6 0.6
Oregon 4.186046512 1.4 1.6 693 283 1.4 1.3 0.5
Puerto Rico 3.418604651 1.4 2.3 764 204 1.3 1.7 0.6
Kentucky 4.469026549 1.5 1.3 1653 452 1.2 1.5 0.3
Colorado 5.752688172 0.9 0.9 1262 178 1.2 1.2 0.7

Florida does at least seem to have troubling deaths.
Nearly 6 deaths per million per day - or about 2000 per million per year. Equates to the UK’s figure for about a year of the manufactured ‘pandemic’, about 1800 or so.

Tennessee - 1.8 deaths per million per day, or about a third of Florida.
Florida’s weekly death gradient shows at this rate it would double in a week, Tenessee’s would only rise by 30%. Recent case fatality a third of the state’s overall case fatality in both cases.

I’m not impressed - given the noise being made for 18 months about the medpanic :slightly_smiling_face:pandemic the US (and certainly Tenessee) should be able to cope with things being much less bad.
And lets not forget they could alleviate the covid problem in the hospitals and in the communities that feed them by using a range of antivirals.
And for this we have emergency provision for suspension of rules, soldiers running services, and students treating mental health patients, who can now be put away on the basis of telephone appointments.

It all cranks up the key message though - we need to take our experimental medical products, that’s obviously the problem :neutral_face:

thanks @Evvy_dense , I see there are no jab stats alongside death stats.


Ps does this article make sense - I couldn’t get my head round it:

Hi CJ1. In general it doesn’t necessarily signify a problem that most deaths are in the vaccinated, if in a situation where almost everyone is vaccinated. You probably know that. But they then do further calculations within that data. It’s hard to follow with the inter-referenced data and graphs on successive pages, really needs to be printed out and pored over, in the old fashioned way - for me, anyway (can’t speak for a ten-year old with a smartphone, possibly on a skateboard :slightly_smiling_face: ). I’m a bit pressed for time ATM so can’t promise very soon, sorry :slightly_frowning_face:.

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Thanks @Evvy_dense , I thought I was completely losing it. My concern of course is that people may be dying because of the jab but being labelled as dying from solely the virus. I seem to recall Israel has stats showing this, can’t recall where I saw this.


There was first this Atzmon article, all stemming from Seligmann and Yativ A Catastrophe Unveils Itself - #12 by PontiusPrimate

This stuff wasn’t easy to read the way it was laid out, either.
I saw this from Seligmann recently, which may be the same stuff written up into a paper, that you can download here.

He keeps making claims like if the vaccine death rate is X then the vaccine needs to be effective at stopping covid for Y days/month/years. I found it better to skip those ‘cost-benefit analysis’ bits, as vaccine deaths at such rates if established are significant enough!

If he is right it’s very significant as he finishes with
" …Vaccination-associated mortality risks are expected at least 20 times
greater below age 20 compared to the very low COVID19-associated risks for this age group enjoying the healthiest immune system. "

I wasn’t confident that he was right, though. Again, it’s not laid out well for me, I got so far and shelved it, if I remember right :(.

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Hi again CJ. There is also this report below (main findings, there is more narrative on the link).

The Israeli People`s Committee
Report of Adverse Events Related to the Corona Vaccine, May 2021:
Never has a vaccine injured so many

We received 330 reports of deaths occurring in proximity after the vaccination (90% up to 10 days after the vaccination). 64% are men. According to the ministry of health’s statement: only 45 deaths occurred in proximity after the vaccination.
 According to data from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), during January-March 2021, in the midst of the vaccination operation, there was a 18% increase in overall mortality in Israel compared to the tri-monthly average mortality in the previous year. In fact, the period of January-March 2021 is the deadliest one in the last decade, with the highest overall mortality rates, when compared to the corresponding months over the last 10 years.
 Among the age group of 20-29, the increase in overall mortality rate is even more dramatic. In this group, during the same vaccination period, January-March 2021, there has been a 30% increase in overall mortality compared to the tri-monthly average mortality in 2020.

 A statistical analysis of data from the CBS combined with information from the ministry of health leads to the conclusion that the mortality rate amongst the vaccinated is estimated at 1:3000 (1:18000 for ages 20-49, 1:5000 for ages 50-69, 1:1100 for ages 70+). According to this assessment, it is possible to estimate that the number of deaths in Israel, which have occurred in proximity after the vaccination, currently stands at about 1600-1700 people.
 There is a high correlation between the number of people vaccinated per day and the number of deaths per day, in the range of up to 10 days post vaccination, in all age groups. For ages 20-49 – a range of 8 days from the date of vaccination to death; for ages 50-69 – 5 days from the date of vaccination to death; for ages 70 and up – 3 days from the date of vaccination to death.
 The risk of death after the second vaccination is higher than the risk of death after the first
 Up until the publication date of this report, a total of 2646 reports of adverse events have been recorded by The Israeli Peoples Committee, and the reports continue to flow in. These reports indicate damage to almost every system in the human body. They also highlight the incomprehensible gap between official Israeli media reports and what is really happening, enabling a "two worlds" situation due to journalistic failure to sense, identify and report on what is actually happening in citizens real-life.
 The accumulated post-vaccination adverse events in our database is the outcome of our work with very limited resources and despite many kinds of government’s pressures aimed at concealing this critical information from the public eye. Therefore, we believe that our database of vaccine-related adverse events reflects a very small fraction of the real picture, which is about 1% of the actual number of cases according to our assessment.
 This assessment is added to the fact that around 250000 people did not show up to get the second dose of vaccine, despite all massive social and occupational pressure of the green passport. We believe that the majority of them decided so due to experiencing adverse effects following the first vaccine dose.
 There are close similarities in the reports of adverse events from countries with relatively high vaccination rates, with hundreds of death reports, as well as reports of damage to many human body systems.
 In our analysis, we have found a relatively high rate of cardiac-related injuries. 25% of all cardiac events occurred in young people below the age of 40, the most common diagnosis in these cases being myocarditis or pericarditis.
 Additionally, a high prevalence of massive vaginal bleeding, neurological, skeletal and skin damages have been observed.

 It should be noted that a significant number of adverse events reported are related, directly or
indirectly, to coagulopathy (myocardial infarction, stroke, miscarriages, disruption of blood flow to the limbs, pulmonary embolism).
 The reporting of adverse events from hospitals and HMO clinics has been very low, and there is a tendency for a diagnostic bias that excludes the possibility of a link between the adverse events and the vaccination. There are probably many thousands of unreported cases. We get growing numbers of reports about this phenomenon from medical staff within hospitals. The general impression is that hospitals seem to be dealing with a chaos and confusion regarding the way to handle growing numbers of vaccine injured patients while at the same time to keep them out of records. Many doctors in emergency rooms nowadays begin their anamnestic inquiry by the question: “When were you vaccinated?” yet write nothing about it in discharge letters.
 The general policy regarding adverse effects seems to be “over-protective” of the idea of continuing the vaccinations at all costs. In this atmosphere, and in stark contrast to the accepted medical codes according to which mortality and morbidity caused after any medical treatment should be attributed to the treatment itself unless proven otherwise, most Israeli doctors avoid raising reasonable medical suspicions about the potential contribution of the vaccine to new adverse effects. Instead, doctors, hospitals and media all talk in one voice that says: “It has nothing to do with the vaccine, until you prove it completely”. This is, of course, just a smoke screen aimed at preventing the truth, which ruins the essential foundations of differential diagnosis and brainstorming based medicine, and whose consequence is a breakdown of normal and scientific medicine.
 In light of the extent and severity of post-vaccination adverse events we are witnessing, we would like to express the committee’s definite position that vaccinating children is both dangerous and lacking any medical basis. It may lead to adverse events, similar to those observed in adults (including young adults from age of 16), which could result in the death of completely healthy children. The committee believes that the intention to vaccinate children, while putting in danger their lives, their health, and their future development, has no medical justification since the coronavirus does not endanger children at all.
 According to US VAERS system 7 deaths in ages 0-17 were reported in relation to Covid 19
vaccination during 2021, 6 of them of Pfizer Biontec. We hope that the radical idea of vaccinating children against the coronavirus will soon be taken off the table; and if not, that it will be completely rejected by most of the parents around the world.
 Never has a vaccine injured so many! The American VAERS system reveals 3409 reports of mortality amongst vaccinated people in the United States in the first 4 months of 2021. This datum reflects a rise of thousands of percent from the annual average, which stood at 108 reports of post-vaccination mortality per year, whilst the difference in vaccination rate (in comparison to influenza vaccination) is less than 40%. In other words, more post-vaccination deaths have been recorded in the VAERS system during a single vaccination campaign than from all other vaccines combined over the preceding three decades. See the chart below.

(chart shows huge increase in adverse events reported in 2021)


 Never has a vaccine injured so many! The American VAERS system reveals 3409 reports of mortality
amongst vaccinated people in the United States in the first 4 months of 2021. This datum reflects a
rise of thousands of percent from the annual average, which stood at 108 reports of post-
vaccination mortality per year, whilst the difference in vaccination rate (in comparison to influenza
vaccination) is less than 40%. In other words, more post-vaccination deaths have been recorded in
the VAERS system during a single vaccination campaign than from all other vaccines combined over
the preceding three decades. See the chart below.

 In light of all the above and the detailed information ahead and for the sake of the good, reliable and advanced medicine, for all people and from the pure intention, we would like to hereby declare the statement that all branches of medicine should agree about:

“Once you apply new medication of all sorts to mass people and have insufficient knowledge about its true safety, all adverse effects that follow must be regarded as related to this medication until proven otherwise. This is the only way to obtain the true information, to ensure maximal safety surveillance and to make sure that non-medical motives will have no influence on the process of evaluating and learning the true nature of this medication and its influence on people.”

Thanks @Evvy_dense , I think this has been posted already here, but just in case … following the links in your post the latest from doctors for covid ethics ( which reported the Israeli information) is this :

which takes you here:


which contains this update:
5. Addendum (July 2021): The mounting death count

Above, we quoted Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi’s warning that early reports on clotting-related incidents and fatalities were likely no more than the “tip of the iceberg.” That iceberg is now in plain sight. “America’s FrontlineDoct ors” announced that, as of July 2021, almost 55,000 vaccine-related deaths have occurred in the U.S. alone. Based on sworn affidavits in their possession, this independent not-for-profit organization has filed for injunctive relief to revoke the emergency use authorization for all of the vaccines [ 51 ].

Considering such a staggering number of victims, it may seem that all ethical standards have been suspended, and that a human life no longer matters. Eventually, however, sanity and reason will reassert themselves, and a day of reckoning will come. Make sure you are prepared for that day. If you are a doctor, nurse, pharmacist, educator, employer or other involved authority, listen to your conscience and do not collude in this collective insanity.

note 51:

Los Angeles, CA – America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) has filed a motion seeking immediate injunctive relief in Alabama Federal District Court. This motion seeks to stop Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the investigational COVID-19 injections for three groups of Americans.

A credible whistle blower has come forward, alleging deaths occurring within 72 hours of a COVID 19 injection are significantly under reported in the publicly available VAERS database maintained by the FDA. This is shocking, and informed consent, which is required under the law, is impossible when safety data is so misleading. As of July 9th, reported deaths in VAERS totaled 10,991. Of those 4,593 were within 72 hours of vaccination. The CMS whistleblower has made a sworn statement that the actual number of deaths are conservatively five-times higher, meaning as of this date we are approaching at least 55,000 vaccine related deaths.

AFLDS seeks to immediately stop any further use of the investigational COVID vaccines for the following three groups:

Group (1) Young people 18 years of age and under. Human children are not experiments. Children are at statistically 0% risk of death from COVID-19. By contrast, expert studies show that the number killed by the vaccines is well into the tens of thousands and those injured is well into the hundreds of thousands. AFLDS Communications Director, Dr. Teryn Clarke says:“Children are one third of our population and all of our future. Children are never the experiment.”

Group (2) All who have already recovered from COVID-19. Natural immunity is superior to manufactured immunity. In addition, the vaccines can trigger a dangerous and deadly hyper-immune response in people with immunity.

Group (3) Every other American who has not yet received informed consent, as defined by Federal law. It is unlawful, and unconstitutional, to administer experimental agents to individuals who cannot make an informed decision as to the true benefits and risks of the vaccines. They must be of an age or a capacity to make informed decisions and they must be provided with all of the risk/benefit information necessary to make an informed decision.

One of the named plaintiffs, Deborah Sobczak, the mother of a 15 and a 17-year-old, said: “My child will not be the subject of an experiment. What kind of monsters are we allowing to control us? Perfectly healthy children have developed heart inflammation, brain bleeding and even died! I have had enough. I am not sacrificing my child so a pharmaceutical company can experiment on her. This madness has to stop.”

AFLDS Legal Director, Ali Shultz, JD said: “Preserving Americans’ God given and constitutionally protected freedoms, including a doctor’s free speech ability to provide honest information to a patient, so the patient (or minor patient’s parents) can decide whether to freely consent is the AFLDS mission. #ProtectTheChildren"


Thanks CJ, looks like you’re ahead of me on this!

The two-week period after vaccination before antibodies are formed is interesting, and usually neglected. From the above

Here is a snippet in support of this - evidence of greater risk of covid in the first few days after vaccination appears to reside in this Pfizer FDA Briefing Document:

“…Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group. Suspected
COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine
group vs. 287 in the placebo group. It is possible that the imbalance in suspected COVID-19 cases occurring in the 7 days postvaccination represents vaccine reactogenicity with symptoms that overlap with those of COVID-19. Overall though, these data do not raise a concern that protocol-specified reporting of suspected, but unconfirmed COVID-19 cases could have masked clinically significant adverse events that would not have otherwise been detected.”

The groups seem to be split 21728 vaccine and 21720 placebo. So there was an increase of about 42% more covid ‘cases’ in the vaccinated in the first 7 days. The p value for this increase is 0.000"

It wouldn’t be surprising if just-vaccinated people are more vulnerable to catching covid before the antibodies are formed, as the immune system is already battling the vaccine and doesn’t recognize covid yet. And of course many just-jabbed will just feel safer despite warnings, and will take more risks.


Hi @CJ1

Not 100% sure I agree with this, but in any …errr… “case” I’m using hospital beds and particularly ICU beds as a measure for Tennessee. There have been many reports now that there are no more ICU beds available and the numbers of patients are still rising.

With regard to the question about vaccines, my feeling is that this is backwards. As vaccine uptake in the UK rose, the number of hospitalisations went down not up. Even though cases spiked way up. The same pattern is repeated in many highly vaccinated places, including in the US. The southern US is not highly vaccinated and is presenting lots of susceptible people to Delta.

It seems pretty straightforward to me that is not the vaccine killing people in Tennessee, it’s covid.
