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CJ Hopkins interviewed. Great overview of what's happening and how we got here

Sorry to all video-resistant folk! This is worth the hour or so.

CJ has an insightful grasp of the vast socio-economic process working itself through the world right now, very much as Marx would do his large-scale, historically-long worldview descriptions, though CJ doesn’t come on like a Marxist; just a guy who, like Karl, sees how large, slow supra-human processes work themselves out.

With that insight, he offers a balanced assessment of how we find ourselves now in the midst of the covid scam: Something like this was always going to happen - not necessarily a handy disease to cry up into a global panic, but some such manoeuvre of the power-wielding elements within society, as they struggle to accommodate to the large, impersonal forces of change that are sweeping us all along in their grip (aka the Long Descent), with the consequent steady tightening down of the screws on us all.

As the PNACer crooks famously put it: “A noo Pearl Harbour” was needed - from the criminal viewpoint of our current power-wielder parasites - to deal with this.

And when a novel flu pathogen appeared (or was goffed into being) it was grabbed happily and overblown massively with a huge lying-propaganda binge, having been gamed-for for quite a while, and having been tried out in previous dry-runs.

Of course, the struggle to accommodate to the eco-geophysical forces that have us all in their grip has to include a careful preservation of the WealthPowerStatus dragon-hoards of the parasite class; and towards that end the whipping of the rest of us into a much more tightly-controlled situation, where we accept strict disciplines, and much shorter commons, the era of splurging plenty being now a shrinking dream in the rear-view mirror.

CJ gets both the how and the why of the scam pretty well, I think. Worth getting his insights:

Note: Vid actually starts at the 6 minute mark, oddly.

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Well worth it, though the interviewer seemed so nervy that was a bit distracting. CJ mentions his interview with Matt Taibbi and that’s here, it’s a good read and includes the ‘tower that looks like a hypodermic’ story.