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Chris Martenson revisits the absolute primacy of energy in our immediate future prospects

The peak-oilers were right, of course; but as often happens, a little hurried in their time frame. It’s now that the energy crisis - global in scope - is really starting to bite. Call the SMO in the Ukraine the proximate cause if you like, but if it wasn’t that that proved to be the trigger, it was always going to be something similar. The point is that the energy crisis never went away, and has been quietly fermenting, outwith the fad-de-jure attention-span of punters, but still steadily tightening down the screws. And now it’s here: The Limits To Growth re-present their calling card, and this time insist on immediate attention, on pain of global food riots, the consequent fall of regimes, and general mayhem, if ignored any longer. Chris lays it out clearly. 100 minutes vid, if you can manage that. Worth the time. Once again I repeat JMGreer’s aphorism: “Collapse early, and avoid the rush!” Once again, Chris is outlining how you to do that. Time is now very short…

(My turf-grown taters are looking rather blooming now, as April showers finally arrive and start doing their job… :grinning: ):