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CDA and FDA accused of fiddling away child vaccine deaths in VAERS

Method: “age-unknown”, when it is…

The accusation comes from a credible analyst.

VAERS data as of May 31 lists 197 child deaths following COVID-19 vaccination.

However, Benavides told The Defender, “There are approximately 418 properly documented deaths in children below age 18. There are an additional approximate 120 kid deaths where the summary narrative states ‘child, infant, neonate, baby.’”

Benavides identified these “unknown age” reports using an algorithm and “manual intervention.”

Benavides said his findings indicate “the current total is about 538” child deaths.

He suggests that "the age field data element was deleted or disappeared.”

More on the link.


Number of Children Who Died After COVID Shots Much Higher Than VAERS Reports Indicate, Analyst Says

Many VAERS reports list “age unknown” for people who were injured or died following a COVID-19 vaccine. VAERS analyst Albert Benavides said a closer look at the report summaries often reveals the victim’s age — yet VAERS doesn’t update the reports to reflect this. If it did, the number of child death reports after the vaccine would be much higher.

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I can understand those brainwashed or ‘nudged’ into taking the vaccine. Likewise, I understand those who wore masks and kept their social distance (even my own sister). What I really have trouble getting my head around is this.

The many well educated, literate people in the pharmaceutical industrial complex, who must know about all the evidence or at least have some inkling, of the dangers and harms being caused. Yet they continue to push mRNA ‘vaccines’, bird flu nonsense, and zoonotic BS. For them, the gallows awaits.


Need to be able to post video here…

Have a video from telegram where a chap explains how it’s all bent.

UK health security agency. Between 2020-23, they accepted half a million, mostly from Pfizer.

University college hospital London NHS trust took over a million from Pfizer and astrazenica.

The NHS itself, hundreds and hundreds of doctors names. Drilling into a random Abdul, we see he’s got £4k from big pharma. It goes on and on. In fact, finding one who isn’t paid by big pharma is an achievement. The corruption is off the scale.

Medicines and healthcare regulations agency MHRA. Why haven’t they done anything? Because Gates gave them £30 million…

And the media? Again, paid for by Gates. OFCOM I hear you cry. Dame Melanie Daws is a WEF stooge, and also the boss of OFCOM…She was the one who removed Mark Stein from GB news.

Government? Just watch them scurry out when Andrew Bridgen started talking (not that was many there to begin with). Andrew Mitchell is in that video. Who just happens to be mates with Gates, and has been to GAVI meetings.

It has occurred to me that doctors are crap. If I compare myself to a car, a doctor is a mechanic. Yet they are promoted as if they are engineers. Funnily enough, I’ve lost total faith in mechanics over the last few years too.

On the bright side, I saved £900 at the weekend!