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Can anyone please help? I want to "X-et" (kidding me!), on this topic today but

…will have to post my work piece by piece if the following cannot be viewed en-toto on “X”: https://twitter.com/i/events/937997845344473088

Can it be viewed?

Here’s the context (also pls. see thread): https://twitter.com/Williamtheb/status/1697194130558923006 #TheLifeScientific

Yes but only after logging in with X. I then had to follow the link again: when logging in I was taken to current default page rather than to the link I’d started from. If I had used my phone it would have worked first time because X stays logged in unless I tell it not to. Phone is hopelessly compromised by dual factor authorisations etc so no point trying to paper over the cracks.

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