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Caitlin Johnstone: We’re Sleepwalking Into Nuclear War

Well we the public are sleepwalking

We’re Sleepwalking Into Nuclear War

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Caitlin doesn’t. ever, mention any of this total bullshit…

I could do another attempt at a pisstake here, but it’s probably better that I just go to bed.

(if you still believe in people like Caitlin Johnstone you are in la, la land).

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Dr McCullough, Mike Yeadon, AFD, they don’t ever mention US military aggression.
Just one, perfect media covering everything - sweet dreams :slightly_smiling_face:

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With all the punk rock stuff I did recently, I didn’t include this one, also released in 1977, because it wasn’t punk rock.

But perhaps still as relevant.

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Didn’t have to wait for the end…

The BBC won’t ever play this:

Might be called hate speech…antiwarmongerist…

Evvry, it’s one of my favourite Dylan tracks, because it’s so raw and visceral.

They don’t make 'em like that anymore.

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Isn’t it astounding that popular musicians are often stereotyped as just drugged up singers but many of them saw through the NWO agendas long before us enlightened folk? Dylan was just one example. There are many many more and I’m sure you all have your own favourites but even though we knew the songs did we (at that time) even understand the meaning?

People with useful military background to assess the situation realistically don’t quite agree with Caitlin. In some danger of a nuclear war? Well yes, that’s always true so long as the damned weapons still exist - together with credible delivery systems; a crucial and uncertain topic for the US in its own right; see below.

But a growing danger? Well, probably not. More a kind of an extended clown show, desperately worked up by the Swamp-loonies for a smokescreen, as the US empire continues on through its decline and fall process - now well advanced - towards a state of heavy - and heavily chastened - reduction into just one, or possibly several, states amongst the global community of states.

Dmitry Orlov continues to publish some of his initially-paywalled articles at Saker, when it seems timely. Here’s one such (link below) freshly published, about what’s really happening in the Ukraine, as distinct from the delusional-to-order screeching of the Western mediawhores and pocket-pols, and the tin-soldiers :rofl: of NATO.

The logic of what’s going on in the Ukraine fits equally well, mutatis mutandis, to the US clown show going on around Taiwan - which doomed-to-imminent-enosis outlier of the Chinese state the US imperialists also can’t defend, in any realworld scenario.

Meanwhile, the Chinese and - particularly - the Russian nuclear weaponry, with shiny brand new, SOTA hyper-sonic, steerable delivery systems (unlike USAmerica’s ageing, little-maintained, rarely tested, outdated, and now-easily-intercepted ICBMs, which have been quietly dilapidating in their silos for decades now) are blatantly on display to the world; but with their handlers taking care to keep talking to their opposite numbers in the Pentagon (where quite a few realworld-sane people still hang in there), as Russians always keep talking to their adversaries, even in the hairiest times.

The result of these discussions is that sane USAmericans in the Swamp - there are always a few - understand that any serious crossing of Russia’s or China’s stone-cold-serious red lines will result in immediate nuclear annihilation of NAmerica; against which USAmerica has - literally - absolutely nil defensive capability, because of their opponents’ latest delivery technology. And the USAnians, the sane ones, know it, behind all the hysterical sabre-rattling.

It’s generally accepted amongst the militarily-realistic, savvy observers, on all sides, that any chance USAmerica might have to catch up with defensive systems against such an attack would require at least a decade to realise. And it’s also widely understood that the failing empire’s prospects for being able even to pull off that effort at all are vanishing swiftly, as the empire accelerates into its decline.

As Dmitry points out, the empire in its increasingly-precipitous decline has a whole lot of non-defendable outposts to off-load promptly “before the money and fuel to do it runs out”. The idea of trying to hold on to Ukraine or Taiwan, half a world away, right in the adversaries’ back-yards, is simply a bad joke.

In the event that the Swamp-loonies should actually be able to over-ride the sane people in the Pentagon and elsewhere in DC, and at the same time should be able to avoid being arrested or assassinated by those sane cadres, so that they were actually able to launch some sort of half-arsed aggression in the China Sea, or in Donbas, you could bet on some sort of deeply sobering action by the Sino-Rus quasi-alliance to slap them out of their hysteria, as also the whole of the sleep-walking, media-hypnotised US citizenry: a new debacle - quite probably non-nuclear at first - against US military ‘might’ which would leave the Afghan collapse looking like just an hors d’oeuvre. And always with the hyper-weapons standing right behind, clearly ready for use if the loonies kept on trying to push their luck.

The ‘greatest, strongest military in world history’ (hah!) has already backed off from two confrontations even with little Iran in the Strait of Hormuz, knowing with stone-cold certainty that any escalation there would result in a deeply, deeply shocking (to the West) defeat by Iranian ship-and-base-killer missiles. Does anyone privy to the real, parlous situation of the US empire, and of its metropolitan state, imagine that the Pentagoons would try it on - seriously, rather than just a charade-show; ‘pew-pew’ as Dmitry calls it - against Sino/Rus?

Cool it, Cait! No need to get so overwrought. It’s just the USAmerican imperialists, and their arse-kisser underlings in places like Oz, going through the Five Stages of Grief, as they come to accept that their empire is fecked, and Sino-Rus is rising.

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…Russia is most eager to draw the line somewhere—a notional Great Wall of Russia, with the stable, economically liberal and socially conservative Orthodox/Moslem/Buddhist Russian World on one side and an alien, increasingly bankrupt, culturally degenerate, sexually deviant and permanently hostile Europe on the other.


As for CJ, her eyes are wide shut, in every sense.

Glad you all bought the title! :slightly_smiling_face: Must try harder

(Trying harder :cold_sweat:)
This calls for a 30 degree pirouette…

Two (I think) items from “Covid Revealed” that I’ve not checked out but being strongly billed by the Highwire connections.
One is this Covid Revealed - Trailer, highlighting a viewing event on 30th Nov.
The other is the below, the ‘pirouette’ I refer to.

Health care is approaching $6 trillion a year.

Disease Management is now the largest economic driver in our country.

Do you know what that means?

The US is the foundation of most economies around the world.


If war has been replaced by disease as the primary driver, we need larger and larger-scale health crises to keep the economy going.

It’s true…

Zach Bush, MD, a triple board-certified physician, reveals the real plans that the government has in store.

“We need a problem big enough to unify the world.”

The whole facade is coming down and more people are starting to realize the difference between reality and the lies we’re being fed.

Want to see what you need to be looking out for NEXT?

CLICK HERE to Watch Zach’s sneak peek clip.

With Purpose,

Dr. Patrick Gentempo

P.S. A lot of what we’re seeing today may only get worse in the future, but there’s always hope… and it all starts with you.

The world needs to be aware of what’s going on and the more people we can warn, the greater our chances of being prepared for what “they” have planned.

We need you more than ever. It only takes 30 seconds, so CLICK HERE to share.

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I guess it’s just a coincidence that Omicron is an anagram of Moronic!! :innocent:

And Oncomir; look it up…

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NoMicro - internal subversion attempt maybe.

Excellent pirouettes, Evvy! Clearly, the time-lapse between cospithirry and established fact is getting less even than six months: scenarios which any ‘solid, sober, steady, science-respecting, reality-anchored’ mind would have dismissed as outlandish delusions just a few weeks ago become ever more convincing as solid truth!

Zach in particular puts his finger on what’s driving the attempted global scam: follow the money, as ever. When you contemplate the grotesqueries which fiat ‘money’ performs at this stage of an imperial exponential growth curve, it becomes obvious that a truly great crash of the whole mad imperial system is now baked-in, and imminent. My word, Dennis and Donella Meadows and colleagues got so many foresights right with ‘The Limits To Growth’, didn’t they…?

Caitlin’s job is to distract us away from the technocratic takeover of our systems of government, our economy, our daily lives. You can publish scare stories about nuclear war in the New York Times, the Guardian, you can link to them on twitter and facebook, no problem. Why is that? Precisely because it’s NOT a threat and also those stories HIDE THE REAL THREAT. This is how marketing works. Marketing professionals repeat certain basic assumptions, and images, and narratives about a product so you will BUY that product, that is, so that you will behave in a way they want you to behave. Johnstone is a marketing professional, she has a certain ‘target population’ to whom she markets a narrative that is PERFECTLY SAFE for state/corporate elites. Her job is to DEFUSE activism, to convince firefighters to run over to the building NOT on fire and to ignore the building that is burning. What is burning now is the very possibility of dissent, freedom of movement, freedom to choose what we put in our bodies. My suggestion: either ignore Johnstone and others like her, or to expose her mercilessly as a complete fraud.

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This must be another Caitlin Johnstone to the one I’ve been reading, E. Interesting that they both publish under the same name.

You mean she’s warning people now about dictatorial technocracy via a phony health emergency? any links?


No, none E. As that Darren Allen essay just linked here a couple of days ago made clear, Caitlin is amongst a whole list of ‘traditional left’ people, including Chomsky, Medialens, Chris Hedges and many others, who’ve failed abysmally at that hurdle. A real public shaming for the leftists.

I suppose it indicates a soft unwillingness to face any such apocalyptically-horrible reality. Radical leftists have proven as cravenly prone to that wilful blindness as anyone else, right across the spectrum. Darren’s explanation as to why, exactly, is persuasive.

Still, scales are falling from eyes right now, if not in a blizzard yet, at least as a steady process. Think of the ‘solid, sane MOTR’ commentators over this past eighteen months who’ve attested to that rueful syndrome: "If you’d said these things to me a year ago, I’d have advised you to take a trank and see a psychiatrist. But now I’m saying: “Oh my god! It’s true!”

The real Caitlin Johnstone will wake up and catch up soon, along with a lot of the other leftist eye-averters. It was soft unreadiness to face a particularly shattering reality that made them stumble, not so much collusion with the powers that shouldn’t be. Darren has it very right in his anarchist analysis: The left, mainly, are simply a technocratic managerial class who’d like to use the same authoritarian power that the gic-class use habitually, but to bring in some degree of socialism; enforced in exactly the same way that the gics enforce their policies. It’s what the post-WW2 Labour government attempted, with only a thirty year window of partial success. Not really a very good strategy; though my generation sureashell benefitted from the good times (for the Pampered Twenty Percent).

The trad-left really don’t take comfortably to the idea that the only sort of socialism that’s now possible for the immediate future is scarcity-socialism. The Limits To Growth/The Long Descent are compelling that fact, without any other realistic choice - except neo-feudalism, of course, which is what the gics are trying right now to impose.

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But your gist implies there are people warning about “dictatorial technocracy via a phony health emergency”, and other than that there are only people whose job it is to “distract us away from the technocratic takeover of our systems of government”.

Plenty of people haven’t quite cottoned on to the dictatorial potential and actualisation of the technocracy, so aren’t actively trying to distract us from it. Johnstone has been writing about military industrial complex since long before covid. Many people are trying to do their normal job.

Like you I do wonder how so many people with such a deep suspicion of government, big busines and power (especially the analytically astute like Johnstone) can buy the whole line so readily. But we’ve seen it everywhere. Jonathan Cook is another good example. As Rhis says, scales are falling from eyes - but not at the speed of gravity due to other forces.


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Back in June, Johnstone blocked me on Twitter after this tweet

“You’ve ignored, from what I’ve seen, the media manipulators, the lockdown deaths, the censorship of the courageous alternative media who took risks…those who questioned big pharma, those concerned about working class job losses …and more.”

Now I cannot eat at a restaurant, I cannot work outside my home because I’m a teacher, I cannot perform music as I did before Covid, my children are still forced to wear a mask at school, which I consider child abuse.

So for me people like Johnstone did not stand by me when my rights were taken away. Others of course are listed in the Darren Allen article. So, now, I will NEVER promote their work, and I will never forget their betrayal of principles. Never. I will harshly criticize them and their work from now until forever. I will question their integrity. I will question their intelligence. They failed, completely. I’m now a second class citizen, partly because of this failure of the left. The SOCIALISTS pushed through the passe sanitaire in the French Parliament. I will not go gently into that good night of slavery because I refuse being forced to put something in my body. The ‘left’ has failed, they have allied with biosecurity fascism which is negatively affecting my life and they are now in my mind officially the enemy of my freedom and I do value my freedom.