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British police detain journalist Kit Klarenberg, interrogate him about The Grayzone

"As soon as journalist Kit Klarenberg landed in his home country of Britain on May 17, 2023, six anonymous plainclothes counter-terror officers detained him. They quickly escorted him to a back room, where they grilled him for over five hours about his reporting for this outlet. They also inquired about his personal opinion on everything from the current British political leadership to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

At one point, Klarenberg’s interrogators demanded to know whether The Grayzone had a special arrangement with Russia’s Federal Security Bureau (FSB) to publish hacked material.

During Klarenberg’s detention, police seized the journalist’s electronic devices and SD cards, fingerprinted him, took DNA swabs, and photographed him intensively. They threatened to arrest him if he did not comply.

Klarenberg’s interrogation appears to be London’s way of retaliating for the journalist’s blockbuster reports exposing major British and US intelligence intrigues. In the past year alone, Klarenberg revealed how a cabal of Tory national security hardliners violated the Official Secrets Act to exploit Brexit and install Boris Johnson as prime minister. In October 2022, he earned international headlines with his exposé of British plans to bomb the Kerch Bridge connecting Crimea to the Russian Federation. Then came his report on the CIA’s recruitment of two 9/11 hijackers this April, a viral sensation that generated massive social media attention.

Among Klarenberg’s most consequential exposés was his June 2022 report unmasking British journalist Paul Mason as a UK security state collaborator hellbent on destroying The Grayzone and other media outlets, academics, and activists critical of NATO’s role in Ukraine.

Because Klarenberg’s reporting on Mason relied heavily on leaked emails, Mason falsely accused him of “assisting a Russian state-backed hack-and-leak disinformation campaign.” Mason has also reported the leak of his emails to the British police.

Emma Briant, a self-styled disinformation expert who participated in Mason’s campaign to sabotage NATO critics, dispatched lawyers to demand Klarenberg remove all of his articles that mention her from the internet. The lawyer letters also threatened costly super injunctions to prevent further reporting, and challenged the “authenticity” of the emails’ content.

The cease-and-desist letters additionally leveled false and defamatory allegations against Klarenberg, including that he was personally involved in hacking her email and Twitter account." https://thegrayzone.com/2023/05/30/journalist-kit-klarenberg-british-police-interrogated-grayzone/


Thanks Gerard, I hadn’t heard about this but think I saw some mention on a Telegram channel last night. I have to zip through those as I foolishly subscribe to way too many (am whittling them down but the cat memes channels are staying [and ‘Cow Station’])

This sounds very similar to Vanessa Beeley’s treatment a while back.

I gather that Gonzalo Lira has been sentenced to ____ imprisonment. I’m not sure of the exact details. Apparently he had been bailed to stay in Kharkiv and his passport was taken away when he was first arrested, so he couldn’t or wouldn’t make a run for it. Am still not sure I wholly ‘buy’ Gonzalo.


Klarenberg talks to Clayton Morris

As for the explanation, I’m not sure Paul Mason is worth the effort to suppress. As an alternative explanation, Klarenberg has also reported on the rise of right wing extremist groups connected both with Ukraine and the US.

In the interview Klarenberg mentions an attack by ‘Atomwaffen’ eary this year on the city of Baltimore’s electricity supplies, which didn’t make much of a splash in the mainstream. He highlights the lack of political interest in right wing terrorism in general, particularly in the UK.

Kit Klarenberg with Clayton Morris of Redacted News
KK:Atomwaffen have extensive ties to Asov their operatives have been trained at Asov camps in Ukraine. So on the one hand we have this constant drumbeat of this extremely dangerous domestic right wing terror threat and when it actually happens they don’t want to know about it. There was a recent report by the UK parliament’s intelligence and security committee that lamented the fact that there is no mechanism in place to monitor or keep an eye on returning fascists from Ukraine. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when - the people who suffer will be the general public.
That is a deeply inconvenient and grave truth and we are almost unique in the English language media for having reported on it.
RN: what the Grayzone does is unparalleled but you’re right about that because the United States government is more concerned with watching school board meetings right now and tracking the likes of people who go to school board meetings than going after people like this.

As you can see the Grayzone has published quite a lot of related material:


It would be ironic if the spooks believe that the output of a diligent journalist necessitates Russian organisation. I guess they haven’t read or seen a real journalist for some time though. At least Klarenberg will have given them some tips :slight_smile:

More likely the Russian focus was needed to ‘justify’ invoking the Terrorism law needed to detain an innocent person in the first place.

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Thanks, useful stuff…

Black Sun1