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British ministers decide against mass vaccination for teens (for now)

Well who knows Pat, but best not get distracted by that possibility, because the mere mention of it in public will condemn anything more you say as nonsense among those who might start worrying about deaths from vaccine+Covid.
btw - isn’t this time of year typically when all-cause deaths tend to fall, at least from respiratory causes? and with general optimism looking forward to freedom day, in this case?

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Two very good points.

re the latter: when seasonal mortality dips that will prove vaxxxines are working. When it climbs again that will be because of the refuseniks.

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I was listening earlier to someone being interviewed for an opinion on the “problem” of people who get ill from COVID because they refused vaccination and take up places in hospital where others need care. This was a matter of moral judgement, similar to getting people who refuse to stop smoking to pay for treatment for lung cancer. The expert in moral issues said the issue was debatable, rather than saying it was a monstrous idea to force these people to pay to save themselves. This was because it was the fault of governments and misinformation which had misled them to refuse vaxing…

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Hi @Dimac , who’s to say that the “problem people” getting covid after refusing a vaccine didn’t actually evade death from vaccination or weren’t lying in beds next to vaxxed people with breakthrough covid!
Anyway the hospitals are far from being full at the moment, it’s the usual thoughtless blather.


PS of course if they gave the hospitalised ivermectin and zinc 85% of them would be out after a couple of days!


"‘When the PM is saying that bouncers are going to check your vaccine status, where else? Woman student Universities Man teacher Colleges Classical building Conferences Scroll Parliament Where does it end?’ Our director




that we have now “crossed the Rubicon”." https://twitter.com/BigBrotherWatch/status/1418175241831002113

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Hi @

  • what about hospitals & GP surgeries as the latest catch 22!


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