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Bravo Giorgia Meloni!


Giorgia Meloni - - I’ve just heard this lady speaking - oh man, UVDL’s mention of the tools ‘they’ have at their disposal for dealing with unsatisfactory election results now makes sense - - - ‘they’ are obviously terrified of real people such as Giorgia - - the quantity of truth this lady utters in just over 1min is absolute dynamite - - - please, please, please…more power to her elbow!!!

Oh and here’s a monster for you…[https://twitter.com/i/status/1573339827147358208]


I had not heard of her previously, but the facts that Meloni has a bad press and was threatened by van der loony made me think think she couldn´t be so bad. After hearing her on the twitter, thanks NewSi, I think I like her.


I hadn’t heard of her. By most accounts she’s pretty right wing; bad for womens rights. I guess she’ll sound good opposing some of the woke excesses.

The points she makes are the exact ones that Paul Embery discussed at some length (and at times he rabbits on a bit) in his book Despised. This examines the whole Red Wall phenomenon in the last GE. He was of course described as a Fascist by what passes for the Left, because that’s always top of their list of terribly clever fourth form comebacks.

If that utter Dobbin Starmer thinks frothing at the mouth about transsexuals and how we need to use the correct pronouns is going to be the key to winning support, and he very likely will, the exact same thing will happen again.


Laughing out loud at that pic! Ta, K! And I love ‘Dobbin’ Starmer too; though my first thought was Woodentop…


I don’t know much about Italian politics and Giorgia Meloni.

But I do know that the Italians enjoy good food and wine and sunshine, and a family life, and are not too keen on working 80 hours a week, 50 weeks of the year, for some poxy corporations, or a government owned by those corporations.

If things do get as bad as some are predicting, I can’t see the EU still being in existence come next Spring. Likewise with the present clowns who are the UK Government.

It will be interesting to see what happens.


Yes, Dobbin Starmer is just perfect.

Clearly, I knew very little about Meloni - still don’t know very much more…I see she’s labelled ‘fascist’/‘far right’, and had been cited as willing to ‘continue’ support for Ukraine should she prevail - - though I reckon that’s for the birds, as I have seen her elsewhere singing the praises of Russian (and Hezbollah’s) actions in assisting Syria…surely if she can see the truth there, she’s equipped to see through the Ukraine deception. As always we can only wait and see how it pans-out - she may prove as much of a dud as that French Socialist, Hollande…and all the other phonies down the decades.

But purely on account of her strong push-back against the insanity of these times, I’m watching with great interest.

Rob, maybe we’ll see the emergence of the ‘TristateCity’ by then, or some other rehashing!!


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Yes @RobG, the EU is toast. The thread that @Rich kicked off 2022 09 27 The Americans Declared War On Europe gels perfectly with this one.

The Gonzalo Lira video there more or less sums it up.

Interesting. Guess we need to see Meloni’s actual menu.

Behind the glitz, Tristate sounds like same old same old.

" The role of the government is still not fully clear, but the research shows that there are
several potential responsibilities that could be adopted by governmental organisations. There is also
some hesitation in involving the government, as a result of its reputation to be slow and often short-
sighted. However, it can be an important step towards success of the concept, together with further
development that results in a real strategy and place brand for TristateCity. "

Private profits.The better off will see benefits. For the rest, the government is honoured with the responsibliity of picking up the pieces.