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Brace! Brace! Brace! Polly Tommey, Cath/Aust Fitts, Carolyn Betts on practical grassroots preps for the crisis

Another estimable practical-advice video from Children’s Health Defence-TV, on urgent current preparations for the unfolding crisis. (Note that when you click the link you’ll see just below a link also to the previous episode - 24 - which is also worth attention.)

We are now coming to the most dangerous point in the Ukraine stuff.

The Russians are winning - no surprise there - and they’re winning by using classic war tactics that haven’t been seen for the best part of half a century (ie, they don’t carpet bomb cities; they just slowly grind down the opposing army).

The five-year-olds on LSD who inhabit Washington, and the other western capitals, can’t get their heads around this. The LSD kiddies have already inflicted massive unnecessary suffering on their own peoples, in the form of massive hikes in the price of food and energy (which predates the Ukraine war and comes from 2 years of totally ridiculous lockdowns because of something the LSD kiddies call 'covid 19).

The idiotic sanctions against Russia have only made this worse (did you know that they’ve even sanctioned Putin’s pet dogs).

Point being, with Russia winning the war, the five-year-olds on LSD might start using ‘tactical nuclear weapons’.

If this seems far fetched just look at the total madness over the last 2 years or so.

Sorry Rhis. I sort of went into one there!

RE: your link, I agree with everything Catherine Austin Fitts says.

Even if you live in an urban area you can still grow your own food.

But don’t forget to sharpen-up your pitchforks, because someone’s got to answer for this shitshow.


Following you request, R, I got a neighbour to take a shot of my tools for growing potatoes in turf today, to illustrate the account of how it works, which I’ll post as soon as the plants are a bit bigger, to give a good idea of how well they grow this way. And would you believe - one of the three tools I use to do all the jobs involved in this method is… a pitch-fork! Ta-dah! :slight_smile: Coming soon!


Can a pikestaff find a practical use in guerilla gardening? Asking for a friend


Cut to fit your personal body measurements it can provide the snath for that prince of all agricultural implements: the Austrian scythe. With one of those, plus an acre of grass, a guerrilla permaculturist can work wonders. Here’s an example of one inspired man who’s doing just that:

And see this for the wonderful Tai-Chi-like bliss of mowing with a scythe - when you have the skills right; easy enough with a bit of instruction. Just as with deftly-done Tai-Chi, old veteran scythe-mowers say that after a couple of hours of zen-scything, your come off the field more energised than when you started. Sic! :slight_smile: :


I looked through some of the videos about this man’s market garden techniques, very interesting, should send to anyone who promotes George Monbiot’s ‘rewilding’ anti farmer diatribes!

Oh Jim (a protagonist of permaculture) understands very well the idea of humans fitting gently into a quasi-wild climax ecosystem, getting all we need from it, giving back due tit-for-tats (perennially revolving cycles rather than insane faustian manthemasterofallthings linear growth’n’progressforever), and causing no destruction.

He’s well worth studying in detail. Remarkable path-finder for the different ways we’re going to have to live - without the option to demur - as we work to survive the Long Descent.

And as he says, most of these insights come to him as he’s doing Tai Chi equivalent with the scythe. Remarkable implement… :slight_smile:

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PS: I haven’t given George M. any attention for some time, but if he’s inveighing against farmers, in favour of some sort of technocrat peremptoriness about how we ‘ought’ to treat the land, I imagine he’s getting things arse-about-face again. How George!

People like Jim K. and Mark Shepard are the sort of hands-on actual permaculture farmers, making good livings as they honour and cherish the wild in the lands they steward, whose practical experience trumps suburban technocrat theorising every time.

Hear Mark discourse on his STUN and STUNAA method of production, and see the heavenly oak-savannah landscape it produces as he applies it, at this link; inspiring:

If rewilding means vast tracts of desert and not that many humans then there’s a lot to be said for Gorge Demented’s agenda. Not that it’s “his” in any meaningful sense.

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