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Boris Johnson considered invading the Netherlands to secure UK covid vaccine supply

(Category = Nuts…)

Boris Johnson: UK considered military raid to seize Dutch Covid jabs

Someone in the army was being a bit clever with him. The thing that talked him out of it was the problem it would cause NATO, as the Neds are also Nato members.

There there, Boris. It’s a nice idea - not profoundly stupid in any way - the problem is NATO, you see…

Why didn’t we invade India for their hydroxychlroquine - has the Covid inquiry finished yet?


Eff knows how this gold-plated poltroon imagined this was a revelation worth writing about.

I was much disconcerted that a certain online tax evader recommended the wretched book to me. I would consider borrowing a copy from the library and renewing it infinite times so that they never realise it’s at the bottom of the kitty litter tray gradually disintegrating.

The only time I ever deliberately destroyed a book was a copy of Melanie Phillips’s Londonistan, a foul Islamophobic rant by one of those sorely misjudged Zionists that Johnson is so fond of.