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Blue hydrogen is often hyped as clean, but in actuality, it might be even worse than burning coal


We are involved in process, hence emerging, …it is part of (as I think the Rastafarians say); “prophetic imminence” or maybe the character of “Time” in “Alice through the Looking Glass”…for “the reward of patience is patience”…quantum applies (for its license): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGl_if3tXBc Too late for the “young guns” perhaps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwkcN0RVY-Q

Yeah but if your sources don’t take into account the huge budgetary discrepancies caused by the resource demands of a Deep State that has been using and researching secret technologies, still so far unrevealed to the general public and even most of their puppet politicians, since WW2 and hence denied access to those resources to the people, you will have such a pessimistic attitude…concomitantly such “liberals” do not give enough credence to the voices that claim that even the research that is public, like that into civil use particle-beam technologies (Nb. military use is kept out of sight and mind), is in and of itself desperately dangerous and inimical to life!

Also: Qué…? (part 3)

Think of the cost of particle beam research…all the military tech…nuclear weapons and power…all being spent elsewhere to promote biodiversity and economy…

What 'particle beam technology? That actually amounts to anything? Instead of fantasising about it going on in hidden caves of the Illuminati, point me towards an actually-existing, working example. Then I might take all these overheated imaginings a bit more seriously.

I quite agree that all the huge waste spent on military idiocies is chronic and dreadful. But how does that in any way demonstrate the existence of these fantasised startrekky ‘hidden’ technologies? Or vindicate the airy, wholly-unsubstantiated clouds of sub-scientific hypothesising that hang around them? It’s sci-fi fantasising for fun, G. Harmless as personal entertainment, sure; used to do a lot of it myself “in my salad days, when I was green in judgement”. But at least acknowledge that that’s all it is - until someone can produce a working example for public viewing.

Which of course can’t happen “because it’s a SECRET technology!” Yeah, yeah, I get it. But I don’t buy it. Doesn’t smell convincing.

“Particle beam”? you know HADRON colliders and such…I was, mainly, talking about the civil research (most justified by claiming pursuit of a fusion reactor “fixer” -Lockheed Martin are a major investor-), …CERN etc. O.K?

And oh man Rhis is there a big hole in the budgets!?

Quote; "Space Weapons

Quote; “It may seem like science fiction but American and Russians scientists have been investigating lazer and particle beam weapons* for years”…“Powerful beams of sub-atomic particles” BBC video, go to: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/magazine-35132820/reagan-s-star-wars

*Italics mine.

Quote; "WASHINGTON — The Pentagon Monday announced the successful space test of an experimental beam weapon in what “Star Wars” program officials called a major milestone for the anti-missile system.
The neutral particle beam accelerator was launched into space from White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico last Thursday and operated for four minutes, officials said, sending out pulses of energy. Military scientists hope that such energy pulses one day will be capable of destroying incoming enemy missiles.

The neutral particle beam is one of three “directed energy” weapons being developed by the “Star Wars” program, formally known as the Strategic Defense Initiative. The others are free-electron lasers and chemical lasers.
Long-Term Projects
All are long-term development projects that are not expected to be deployed until well into the 21st Century, if future administrations support the program and Congress is willing to fund it.

“The particle beam worked perfectly. That’s a major engineering achievement,” Air Force Col. Thomas Meyer, director of SDI’s energy office, said at a Pentagon news conference Monday.
The 24-foot, 3,500-pound beam accelerator was launched to an altitude of 125 miles on a Minuteman 2 rocket. It was the first time that the device had been tested in space.
The accelerator creates an energized beam of hydrogen atoms carrying no electrical charge. SDI scientists explained that the beam is created by powerful accelerators propelling negative atoms that are stripped of their extra electron as the beam emerges from the device at nearly the speed of light.
Meyer said that the beam does not burn through metal but rather penetrates the warhead and then releases its energy. “We call them proton torpedoes*,” he said." Go to: Archives For full article.

*Italics mine" …

"Arafel: Since CERN’s “rise to prominence” the already little talked of world of particle beam weapons has been even more seldom mentioned, nevertheless this is not (see quote from BBC video), science fiction for the “major” nations quietly admit to such research and occasionally let things slip (there is in-fact a longer BBC documentary of the time that even shows some of the tech, I’d not seen its like before nor have I since).

Also from the 80s a disturbing video detailing the strange and suspicious circumstances surrounding the deaths of a number of scientists, researchers and military officials involved in The Strategic Defence Initiative…
" https://www.arafel.co.uk/2017/06/the-real-star-wars-maxspiersrip-reagan.html?spref=tw

Well Rhis if , esp. as a permaculturalist, you deny Schauberger’s water molecule clustering research (the work on vortexes for which is also central to the ion-migration physics at the heart of the “NAZI flying saucer technology” debate), and its importance to the emerging physics of economics I don’t see how you intend to move forward.

Mm-hmm. These same optimistic stiffs have been ‘investigating’ fusion devices for years too. Still none that work. Apart from the Sun. Sci-fi imaginings are not the same as working prototypes - that we can actually see, and watch working. Fun to day-dream about, if you’re into sci-fi, but not really weighty in the practical, doable world.

I’m not in favour of it am I?! Are you not listening to me? These imbeciles are dangerous…(psychopathic in-fact), … it’s not going to work (like they expect anyway), is it?

Hom sap is always dangerous, and frequently stupid. Fortunately, so many of those sci-fi thingies never seem to work much. The over-grown boy-scouts love day-dreaming about them. But fortunately, the actually-working, scalable tech never seems to be realisable…

And - as the Long Descent proceeds - there will be less and less ‘stuff’ available for the techno-optimists to tamper with.

I’m not deeply indoctrinated in this imaginary stuff, because it never passes the smell test for me, so I never dig deeply. In principle, I maintain open-minded scepticism. In practice I wouldn’t give you better odds than ten thousand to one against of anything practicable ever coming of it. And the startrekky progressforever myth is slowly dilapidating whilst we watch. It will soon be discarded, I suspect, as the Descent progresses.

Sorry G. I’m trampling on your dreams again, like a prat. But it’s how I see it all, I’m afraid. (The permaculture will fit into the new paradigm though. That’ll be alright.)