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"Blowing the War Horns; the Function of the Mainstream Media #Ukraine #TheBritishDissident #EEU #NATO"

It was 2010 when I first aired the problem of the NATO-isation of the Ukraine (and the other Eastern European/Baltic States), online on the then Media Lens Forum, it seemed blatantly obvious to me that the “Wider European Adventure” would end up having very serious consequences with regard to World Peace (esp. considering the nuclear armoury of the major players), quote; “The Poles (bless 'em), to whom we owe a great deal, would surely have been better served (as would we), if the E.U’s unconsidered expansion to the very borders of Mother Russia had not taken place. The Germans who -virtually- single handedly destroyed the fabric of The United Nations by recognising an independent Croatia/having done so then colluded with America (again? go to GERMAN AND US INVOLVEMENT IN THE BALKANS -Edit 21/11/10-), to point missiles up Putin’s nose*/
Meanwhile The Empire marches on.
I tracked down the email for Ukrainian President Victor Ushenko yesterday (I managed to translate enough Ukrainian online to just about send an email requesting an international relations and trade speech site in English -he’s is already a “Twitterer” I believe-).”…

"Of-course this “European Expansionism” I mention was aided and abetted (some might say “enabled”), by the N.A.T.O bias to the spin on international affairs which was instigated by The German Right (and possibly also the U.S Foreign Office, see link given above).

Dear Victor Ushenko poisoned and Colin Powell*…out of a job…
Having cruised the Ukranian President’s website yesterday and finding online translation for Ukranian nearly impossible (possible only for the very smallest bits of text), when I did manage to email I simply suggested an English version of his important speeches (especially those on trade and foreign policy). We should keep ourselves (and be kept), informed of developments in the Ukraine it is an international “key-log” in the fight against oppression.
Victor was poisoned by dioxins whilst pursuing a path of public service, I too suffered similar facial injuries (which subsequently became a chronic condition which has only recently come under my proper control after more than a decade), following an exposure at a commercial incinerator whilst taking pictures of the stack plume at night for Communities Against Toxins Southampton (pictures of same taken by “C.A,T.S” were subsequently published in The Southampton Echo as showing “the wrong kind of smoke”).
Nothing has roused the dragon of sectarianism more in The Environment Movement in recent years than either the incinerator or nuclear power issues (we may have achieved parity)." Go to: https://www.arafel.co.uk/2012/06/whats-that-coming-over-hill.html

Now I may indeed be blowing-my-own-trumpet but at least mine is not a war-horn, for it is clear to me, as it does not seem to be to those mired in the “Pentagon Paper Mentality” of the MSM, that to foster conflict in Europe is a function of the globalisation of laissez-faire economics and the province of the neo-liberal (as they would have the rest of the planet).

Quote; “So how to resolve the impasse? The simply expedient of a third choice (as should also have been presented to the British people with regard to our recent referendum on electoral reform by including the option of proportional representation on the ballot papers), whereby Britain would choose not to rejoin unless a process that would reform the current structure by fostering the creation of an Eastern European Union (consequently addressing the issues of the wider union and the influence of NATO), was entered into by all member states, might well give a truer representation of the electorate’s wishes and concerns and encourage real debate on the nature of the union that people wish to see, such would surely better serve the interests of democracy.”" Go to: "Arafel": #PopularVote..Giving the People a Real Choice.. #Brexit #EU #Euromerta #NATO #WiderEurope #TTIP"

I have little hesitation in describing myself as a “British dissident” for given my output and my parlous personal circumstances how can I possible describe myself otherwise? Is this, however, to be the Last Post?

Last Post

Please also see: https://www.arafel.co.uk/2020/11/yugoslavia-nato-brexit-europeanunion.html esp. re: #Euromerta.