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"Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay"

A year or two back, Tom Campbell’s ‘My Big TOE’ website highlighted a remarkable - ongoing - event in Germany: a group of children and low-teenies who were demonstrating something remarkable: the ability to learn how to see their surroundings clearly - by direct intuitive perception, without using their biological eyes - whilst having their eyes completely masked.

As parapsychologists are quite used to noting, this - truly astonishing, repeatedly-demonstrated - phenomenon made a brief local “oh look at that!” frisson - and then sank without trace; as usual…

I’ll come back to that strange, often-remarked response later, but first a precis of the phenomenon itself:

The German guy in the second vid below has been investigating these children’s ability. The two videos together give a good first idea of what’s happening; and - in the second video - the theoretical reasons why it’s happening are given in brief exposition.

Much more extensive study of Tom’s Big Theory Of Everything - website: ‘My-Big-TOE.com’ - (a strictly ‘physics’ theory, sprung from the still-persisting mysteries of quantum mechanics) broadens the ideas touched on here. But the essential idea to grasp is the we all get information-streams fed to us all the time directly to our minds, which we then interpret as coming through our five-or-so physical senses; and thus which are limited according to the learned limitations of that physical equipment (which is all virtual, anyway! Confused yet…? :slight_smile: )

Briefly touched on in the second vid is the all-important idea of strongly-learnt, and thus strongly-held, indoctrinated beliefs; and how they put artificial limitations on what we think we are able to perceive.

The essential idea that Tom is describing briefly in the vid is that all information is, in principle, available to us, once we have learned how to get free from the constraints of our deeply-ingrained belief systems. This, pretty obviously, is the whole basis of ESP: literally ALL information that’s held in the main data-base of Big Mind - aka the Akashic Records - is available, in principle, to the fully-liberated mind.

And remember that this ESP function is just one side of this unitary coin; the other being PK, literally ‘managing matter with the mind’. But that’s a whole other topic. Would-be Harry Potters should be aware: there are over-riding ethical - sic - reasons why that ability comes with some heavy restraints…

OK, now jump over to The Limits To Growth (this switchback presentation has some wildish leaps in it, hasn’t it…? :slight_smile: ):

Recall that we now believe that the very great majority of our experience of life as a species was had over an extended period before this current ultra-brief moment of our history which has unfolded over the past few thousand years since the Agrarian Revolution: That was the major change (‘expulsion from the Garden of Eden’) which enabled the formation of mass, class-divided, highly-organised societies, with the free time and energy to develop physical technologies mightily, to the calamitously-engorged size that we have them today: the age of the dictatorship of the Technosphere egregore.

In all that much longer time before the invention of tillage agriculture, the way of life or hom-sap was closely analagous of that of chimps or gorillas: living in The Garden.

Things only changed mightily afterwards. And during that previous majority time, the chief wisdom-keeper, problem-solver and sickness/injury-healing work came through shamanic practitioners: those individuals who - like the children in the vid below - happen to have the natural human knack of direct perception of the Akashic Records, at will, rather well endowed.

When our technological prowess was about at the level of the Australian Aborigines’ culture before their first disastrous contacts with European invaders, the prowess of their shamans was recognised as paramount, and they lived accordingly: in everyday contact with the magical nature of reality.

Far fewer self-limiting belief systems learned and internalised during the first few years of life, by children growing up in that social ambiance! For them, as for the Native Americans, before and for a dwindling while after, the invasions of the Europeans, magic and miracles - thunderstorms to order, for example; knowing in advance which valley the caribou migration would come through this year, etc. - were commonplace works of their shamans. Any normally-gifted vocational shaman could do this stuff pretty well as needed. (As needed, note; not just on any old whim. And Big Mind always has an opinion on what we really need…)

But then we fell into the techie-techie blind alley where we’ve been these past ten or so millennia, founded on storable-grain agriculture and the population accretions which it enables. Bugger!

Yet we can foresee a renewal of this shamanic relationship with fundamental reality now coming up again in the near future. And that, of course, hinges on those non-negotiable Limits To Growth.

In accordance with the long-proven-reliable foreseeings first published by the Meadows team in 1972, the early part of this century is the time when The Limits make their presence known in ways which make them no longer deniable. We get our faces shoved into them, and - perforce - we adapt accordingly.

Without going into to much of an exposition, I’ll just say that within a century or two, I expect our current population-overshoot episode to have resolved itself spontaneously - without ‘benefit’ of eugenics! - and for there to be a lot fewer humankind on an Earth rapidly healing its previous ecological damage: turning back to The Garden; preferably with human regenerative-permaculture connivance.

I imagine that hitech industrial society will persist for as long as it can, but that this will shrink back into those regions of the Earth where the essential-commodity foundations of such a society are still available; not quite fully depleted yet. The likely candidate for last techie-techie soc. on Earth is Siberia, I suspect.

For the rest of us, our ways of life will, perforce, resurrect much simpler, more ecologically-harmonious methods, such as have been commonplace in the past, until recently. And in such societies, the shaman, the wise-woman-herbalist, the healers-and-seers will become again an essential part of human communities, as they have been previously for many thousands of years.

One last thought: Why does it happen that, when something as astonishing (and potentially paradigm-shifting) as masked-seeing springs up somewhere, it’s a brief nine-days-wonder - and only rather locally at that - and then it falls down the memory hole, like all its predecessor incidents?

This is a question which practical parapsychologists have been asking themselves for years. We still have no consensus explanation. All we can agree is that direct observation of unequivocally miraculous incidents seems to shake people up very deeply, veteran parapsychologists just as much as anyone else.

Witnessing unmistakably-miraculous psi-events really perturbs us!

Why exactly? Dunno. Lots of hypotheses; none finally adopted by general consent. It just does!

However - as I learned during my contacts with Ken Batcheldor, of sitter-group fame amongst parapsychologists - there’s always AATREC: ‘Acclimatisation And TRack rECord’: do your preferred magical-development practice assiduously, with patience, and things will start to happen; weird things! Stick with it, and you can get used to that first shock of close encounters with the paranormal; build a track record, and you learn all the subtle details of how to do it as a practical skill… How to be a shaman/wizzard/magician/sorceror, that is. How to get on advanced useful terms with the underlying nature of the reality we inhabit, in other words. Skills which will be needed, and indeed essential as they always have been, for our really-upcoming (not-star-trekky) Long Descended future.


Great post.

Intriguing stuff…have I got it right this far: the experiment appears to show that another way of perception other than vision allows us to ‘see’ what is there. The kids have this mask with a small hole that isn’t big enough to see through, but they see a chink of light that as they get used to it is perceived to be bigger so that they would be able to see through it if it really was that size. They then ‘see’ almost normally, suggesting another mechanism; one which is switched off when we believe there is a barrier.

So the TOE suggests the signals may not be sent by the objects but might be information sent by another source - eg, if we are living in a simulation.

I wonder what else they are testing. Could they be another light frequency that gets through the masks. Would it work with impenetrable masks. They would have thought of that I expect.

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Hej Evvy!

Besides the links I posted, there are other videos at Tom’s website which deal with this episode of masked, eyeless seeing. It’s clear from looking into it completely that there are in fact no actual physical holes in the masks at all, that their cover is comprehensive, and that no orthodox physical light - or other radiation - is getting through them. As Tom explains in the second vid linked above, the ‘holes’ are actually metaphoric: the children have this idea suggested to them, they then see it - that’s to say, they have the mental perception of ‘seeing’ a hole; and then the whole expansion and development process goes from there.

There are other vids which show children who achieve full visual-range vision, not restricted to ‘peering through holes’. These seers manifest all the abilities of fully-sighted people with unrestricted physical vision.

The essential idea, which follows reliably from the main theses of Tom’s Big TOE, is that each of we individual minds receives a constant information-flow from a rendering-engine function within Big Mind (of which our individual minds are well-individuated, but never fully separated outgrowths, like fingers or pseudopods).

These information-flows are tailored individually to each personal mind that receives them, and these minds then interpret their tailored flows as sensing - with their physical sense organs - the world around them. By now it’s a commonplace of psychology/philosophy that our brute process of physically-sensing the world around us always has a large component of mental interpretation in it anyway, as standard.

And yes, it’s a basic assertion of Tom’s Big TOE that everything which we interpret as the solid physical world around us is in fact a virtual reality: a holodeck, on which personal minds/souls - IUOCs in Tom’s lexicon: individuated units of consciousness - take up ‘avatar’ complexes: our - alleged! - physical bodies (which are also entirely virtual), each with its unique associated ego-personality.

We do this in what Tom calls repeated ‘experience packets’ - aka lifetimes - into which our persistent, immortal essences of individuated mind, our souls, re-incarnate sequentially; new unique body, with new unique associated personality, each time; but the same steadily-evolving immortal soul in each iteration; like an actor immersing himself in a series of quite different roles…

We have a job to do when we do this, which is an essential purpose of Big Mind, and it takes us a lot more than one lifetime to get well into this vital service work. This Great Purpose Tom describes, persuasively, as lowering the constantly-encroaching entropy that besieges Big Mind, as part of the fundamental nature of basic reality. This entropy-lowering process can also be described, in more humane terms, as growing towards love. :slight_smile:

Big Mind has a stark choice to face: work endlessly to reduce entropy, or else allow it to overwhelm every organised evolution that’s been achieved so far, and reduce it all back to universal ‘white noise’.

Tom uses the idea of the multi-player computer game, which concept has only become comfortably conceivable to us just recently, as a precise description of what’s happening on a larger scale with our holodeck virtual universe: a remote rendering engine, which feeds individually-tailored information-streams to each player’s computer, which is rendered on their screens as a complex kaleidoscope of rapidly-changing, coloured pixels, which is then interpreted by each player as the landscape and the avatars in the game.

Perhaps I should just point out that the obviously rather outre-seeming ideas sketched above have become rather popular and credible amongst the latest generation of physicists and philosophers. The idea that all physical reality is actually virtual is swinging back into fashion again, as the endless dance of philosophical materialism versus philosophical idealism continues on…

It’s also all very encouraging to me, in my 'eighties, and feeling my end-time approaching rather soon now, to welcome this notion of being an immortal essence which is going to conclude this - by now - rather weary life-packet (with its spiky and less-than-perfect personality :slight_smile: ), and is soon going to come back from its next interlude in the Bardo state (the state into which souls go between incarnations), as a sweet, small, vital creature like my beautiful great-grand-daughter Agatha! :grinning:

You could see why I like these notions, couldn’t your?

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Hi again Rhis. Ah I see the role of the hole now, very neat. Thanks for that further explanation of the theory, you seem to understand it well.
But maybe as soon as the game is cracked by the sprites it will herald Game Over? At least we’ll beat that other reset :slight_smile:

Hopefully your game will never be over!
Are one or two minor fluctuations possible along the route?

#In the afterlife

:thinking: :slightly_smiling_face:


Tom C. has a saying, heard from him several times in my study of his theory, that: “Just about ANYTHING is possible. Some have low likelihood, but still a certain level of probability.”

I discern that he means that - as usual - ‘unbending intent’ (to quote don Juan Matus, Carlos Castaneda’s - alleged - sorcery-teacher) is the key to deciding which particular experiences each individual soul actually manages to get. If your commitment is steadfast enough, you can conjure just about any pattern of experience in your life. And in fact, I’m working on just such a process right now, at what feels to be the end-time of this particular life, to see whether I can shape to some degree in advance the character of the next lifetime; to do a better job next time, so to say.

One important caveat, though: It’s true that part of the deal of constant re-incarnation on the holodeck of ‘physical, material reality’ is that the adventuring soul has to have free will. That seems to be an essential condition for making the whole enterprise work: We incarnate in each lifetime with a job to do - lower entropy/grow towards love - to assist our Big Mind mainframe in its Great Purpose. But we always have, during each lifetime, the absolute freedom to choose our own actions; including any clearly retrograde actions we may indulge.

That’s permitted, because it must be: meticulous commitment to free will. But Tom also teaches, with many concrete instances given, that when we are acting in ways that are truly supportive of the Great Purpose, we get subtle help (I call it, in my personal explanatory lexicon: ‘coincidence magic’! :slight_smile: ); things just seem to keep panning out for us with steady ‘good luck’. That’s certainly been the aggregate record of my life this time round! Some painful setbacks, but in sum just wonderfully fortunate.

And conversely, when we’re bent on counter-current ‘bad’ choices - especially if we’re actually harbouring and nurturing unbending intents which amount to grey, or even frankly black, magic - well then, things won’t conspire to help us succeed quite so much. In fact, on occasion events will actually conspire to slap us down. Like the man who maintained an unbending intent to be handed a cheque for a big sum of money, who eventually realised his visualisation when he was handed a life-insurance payment cheque, to cover the loss of his entire immediate family in a car crash…

To those who are able to remain awake to the subtle promptings of ‘the universe’ in our daily lives, these small nudges - quite often in the form of small, inconsequential, but nevertheless overtly paranormal incidents - are reminders from Big Mind: “Wake up to why you’re here! Do the right thing, and all will thrive for you…”

I suspect that, with hindsight, this odd incident of the blindfolded seer-children will prove to be just such a nudge: a few people will mark it, and intuit what it means; but it won’t last long, before the memory hole swallows it, and the people studying it sink away from the public’s attention again, as they continue their work.

That seems to be a repeating pattern when any clearly miraculous incident hoves up briefly into public attention. It has to do, I always surmise, with our deep-set perturbation by close encounters with psi, and our obdurate determination to evade them, and as soon as possible to scrub - or to re-write - the memory of the event, if it was sufficiently rattling to our equanimity; as close encounters with psi always are, until we’ve acquired our personal AATREC with them…

K J (Ken) Batcheldor’s sitter-group method (qv) is a reliable way to invoke spectacular paranormal events pretty well on demand, as a learning-technique to help committed practitioners of magical disciplines acquire the AATRECs - the Acclimatisation And TRack RECords - which enable sophisticated use of paranormal methods.

Always in service of the Great Purpose, though, if you’re wise… :slight_smile: