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BBC expert previously called for a ban on pro-Palestine marches

“We’ve Called Those TRAITORS” | Chris Parry Slams Brits Defending Houthis’ Actions In Red Sea

Where do they get them from? The answer is Chris Parry is a rear admiral. The military, that’s the BBC’s idea of balance. Though the above vid is not the beeb, he was brought in as an expert on today’s lunch time radio.

The intrepid Parry explained that as there were no Palestinians before 1947 (presumably referring to the creation of the Palestinian state) there is no problem if they all get dispersed to Jordan, Egypt etc as thjat’s where they originated from.
He was not asked why this thinking didn’t apply to the state of Israel, In fact the presenter thoughtfully opined that Jordan and Egypt would be worried about taking in Hamas members who would then cause trouble.

The only time I’ve heard the BBC raise the issue of international law, war crimes etc regarding this proposal was when the context was bashing Trump for proposing it.

And while the BBC rarely misses an opportunity to bash Donald Trump, I’ve yet to see an objection to him brokering a ‘peace’ agreement when he and his government have been the source of most of the weapons used by Israel, who seem to be basically implementing US policy. It’s as if it were BBC policy as well; they just have to be quiet about that, and keep up a steady supply of military and defence sources for their own political dimwits to nod along and even crawl to.

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