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BBC Conspiracyland by Iain Davis

Hi folks, I have yet to read all the parts of this investigation by Iain Davis but it seems to destroy Marianna Spring’s BBC project - I noted this on how MS defines conspiracy theory and associated “-ists”

" The conspiracy mindset disagrees with the official narrative. Conspiracy thinking questions the government but also, on occasion, academia, the intelligence agencies and the mainstream media. Therefore, those who hold anti-Establishment opinions that question power are “conspiracy theorists” and, as such, are irrational.

That’s it!

The whole concept of “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorists” is based upon the logical fallacies of personal incredulity and appeal to authority. If you hold anti-Establishment opinions and question the “relevant epistemic authorities” you are a “conspiracy theorist” according to those same “epistemic authorities.” "




Hi folks, this investigation is a 10 parter, 5 parts are already up on the substack here is the link to part 5 which also includes the links to the intro and 4 other parts:

I left one comment on part 4, I think I posted it! :roll_eyes:

" Love this series so far, only one small comment on this part. You write :
"The evidence of persistently high all-cause mortality demonstrates that there is no discernible benefit form the Covid jabs. Worryingly, there is a strong correlation between the jabs and increased all-cause mortality.

There are other factors, such as the destruction of health services, that also correlate. So it cannot definitively be said that the jabs alone are leading to higher death rates. But the evidence of high rates of serious adverse events, especially when combined with the statistical data, underpins Stephen’s concern."

The thought crossed my mind that since iatrogenic causes of death and injury are very high ( deaths were estimated by a Johns Hopkins study to be around 250,000 ( by extrapolating statistics ) in the USA alone and as such exceeded the third largest cause of death - respiratory illness - then the destruction of health services should perhaps have produced a fall in all-cause mortality rather than a rise?

There are as you say other confounding factors and these may differ for pre-vaxx numbers and post vaxx numbers ( Zach Bush has covered many of them ) which include environmental and food pollution as well as the introduction and rollout of new sources of electro magnetic forces from 5G ( Drs. Rubik and Havas have confirmed a close correlation of illness & death with rollout dates in many key areas including Wuhan and Northern Italy ). There are even suggestions that several of these key locations also distributed new forms of 'flu jabs in late 2019 which could be suspect!

The covid jab must however be firmly in the dock when trying to determine the cause or causes of the World’s increased all-cause mortality from 2021 to date. On its own, the failure to even examine these numbers by any government or MSM outlet is outrageous, I think this is a factual statement! "


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