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Astonishing conversation with an old - heavily covidbrainwashed - friend yesterday

She is a comfortably off bourgeois retiree, living in a listed thatched cottage in an English Midlands village, who gets all her views of the world from the Brit lamestream media; the beeb/fraudian axis. A mildly-radical, vaguely-socialist soul who asserts, for example, that the richer end of the income scale - herself included - should simply agree to pay a bit more tax, to secure public goods such as the NHS, and all the rest of good social democracy.

But she was also completely obsessed with the alleged awfulness of Donald Trump, deeply entranced by the recent presidential ‘election’ black farce, and relieved that Biden has been anointed, after a perfectly-valid election, because - I kid you not! - “…he’s a decent man, who will sort this out and put it right…”

The ‘this’ in question being the US ‘healthcare’ system, run almost entirely as a money-making rip-off racket, of course, and with some scores of millions of US citizens cut off from any kind of health insurance at all.

Biden is going to sort this out - !! :astonished:

She also suggests, during our fully-agreeing conversation about the uselessness of the Bozo cabinet, that “Keir Starmer will provide a radical alternative…” - !! :astonished:

I see the lamestream rags lying about part-read in her house, and hear the constantly-on beeb ‘news’ bulletins whenever I visit there. Simply astonishing, victim-cooperating brainwashing. I was virtually silenced in mute gob-smack by such amazing induced-naivety. She had a look of ‘does not compute’ mystification when I said that, with the self-immolation of the ex-Labour party, people like me are now disenfranchised in ukstate politics.

This woman is not stupid. Simply entranced by efficient modern propaganda techniques. A good, generous-hearted soul who has helped me a good deal, and who is one of our small circle of particular friends who have been giving chunks of life-belt money to my acupuncturist-veteran best-beloved, K, and her daughter, my foster-grand-daughter, whilst her - K’s - practice is covid-bollocks frozen and her income has practically vanished. P is a good friend to us both, in other words, in the ways that really count, and a very good-hearted, decent, generous soul, generally. And yet this simply astonishing brainwashed condition…?

She will also be taking the ‘vaccine’ - “probably…”

I stand in thunderstruck, baffled silence before such obvious reality-detachment. The power of propaganda…


It is really hard to fathom. My younger sister, who like me grew up with real activist parents, does stuff regularly for the Palestinians, thought Jeremy Corbyn was a breath of fresh air and joined Momentum, yet we are on opposite poles. I sent her a link to Mike Yeadon’s , the former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer’s
first outspoken piece.

A few days later she replies she can’t analyse the detail, but she gave it to a friend who deunked it. Some friend, no qualifications except he likes analysing details, versus a one time head of Pfizer research who risk being ostrasised for speaking out, and who does she believe?

As the UK Column keeps repeating. The psychological warfare on the UK public is real, carefully planned and ongoing!

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