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As Venezuela Foils CIA “Terror Plot" Pompeo Tours Its Neighbors To Talk

I would have thought the US had plenty of business to be getting on with…

Striking, isn’t it, how the swamp-creatures are so inept at doing now what they used to do much more effectively in the past; even in their ‘own backyard’. Wonder why that is? I suspect a lot of publically-unadmitted caution, at least amongst the US military brass, about getting a weakened, still-weakening, and collapse-bound empire into yet another hopeless military adventure, which - like the other current ones - they have no chance of concluding swiftly and successfully; and which now they can no longer afford, or even borrow to fund. (All that gigantic annual loot-flow going to the Pentagoons, only to see most of it leak into private bank-accounts, and next to none going to create an actually-effective imperial military. 3.2 t-for-trillion USD mysteriously missing from the Pentagon’s accounts on 10 September '01? Peanuts compared to today’s boondoggles…)

And then, they understand by now the growing support given to Venezuela by Russia, China, and even Iran. As the dying empire declines, the new arrangements become more confident. Meanwhile, the Anglozionist’s imperial ‘allies’ amongst the SAmerican gangster governments are clearly frozen-footed about acting as the empire’s local hitmen. The see no profit, no success, and lots of trouble in it. Pompous-Hippo will fail in this mission, as in so many other of his impudent projects.

An excellent point. But, surely I’m not the only one witnessing the ever increasing incompetence of all things government. And not just here - in many countries. As the world gets ever more complicated, the … err… talent (sic) in government gets more and more clownish.

Look at the current situation in the (s)election (thanks @Alananda) in the US. Are we really going to the polls with two functionally illiterate candidates? Neither one can form a complete sentence to save their lives. Leader of the free world, indeed…

that could be a big factor, it’s true. Pushovers just don’t fall down so easily these days…


PS on this:

I’ll raise you this great analysis by Matt Taibbi on fake accounting in the US military:

“When I saw that 6.5 trillion number for the first time, I thought it had to be a mistake,” says Michigan State University professor Mark Skidmore, who in 2017 led a study that discovered $21 trillion in plugs over a 17-year period. “I thought it was maybe 6 billion. But it’s really 6 trillion.”

Oh sure! The difference between Rumsfeld’s deftly-placed eve-of-11/9-false-flag sotto voce admission, and how far it’s gone by now.

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