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Article by Michael Hudson illustrates, coincidentally, why the scamdemic is being run right now by the globalist oligarch criminals behind it

Michael is reviewing an account by two Kazakhs about the raping of their and neighbouring Central Eurasian countries, as well as Russia, by this same footloose globalist oligarch class, following the fall of the USSR.

My suggestion is that the same attempted rapine is now being foisted on the entire planet, especially on the collapsing West, by the same criminal class. Their current tool is the phenomenally-sophisticated applied-pyschology techniques of modern propaganda, imposed through a wholly-subverted news-media system, and used to gin up a fake ‘pandemic’ hysteria, in order to stampede - particularly - Western populations into giving up all basic rights to the gangsters, including most especially democratic control. All of this is being attempted via an alleged ‘public health medical-injections campaign’ against a non-existent monster pandemic. This being designed in reality to strip us of all of our basic freedoms, and to crowd us all into digital surveillance and control systems, where we will be reduced to the status of serfs; wholly-owned cattle.

The urgent attempt by the gangsters to foist this on us all right now comes from the steady, non-negotiable, irreversible tightening down of the early years - right now! - of the Long Descent away from hitech industrial capitalism. As this form of social organisation fades and dies, due to the emptying out of the planet’s natural resources which have enabled it for the past couple of centuries or so, the desperate gangster-capitalists are thrashing about for some new form of social organisation which will continue to enable their rapine for at least a while longer.

It will also, they hope, allow them the draconian control which will enable them to impose forced reduction of global population, as they see fit, and to keep the surviving remnant under total serf/cattle control, to the oligarchs’ benefit, as they negotiate their way - under control, they hope - down the backslope of the Long Descent (think the ‘new Green agenda’, so-called). A deeply ill-conceived effort which is pretty well bound to end in disaster, as much for the gangsters as for the rest of us; it won’t work!

Schwab, in his asinine way, has kindly offered a glimpse of what they’re hoping to do, with his ‘great reset’ tosh: a world dictatorship dolled up as utopia, aka lipstick on a pig.

I should stress that Michael doesn’t draw these apocalyptic conclusions in his article. I simply suggest that, reading his review, this insight comes to one spontaneously: The vicious gangster-capitalist rapine which was done to much of Northern and Central Eurasia during the '90s is now, it seems to me, being attempted on the whole world; or at the very least on the whole world outside the securely-held duopoly of Russia and China, where native, publicly-approved governments are still firmly on guard against the criminal intentions of the globalist gangsters.

I expect to see - if I live long enough! :slight_smile: - precisely the same rapine done to North America, as it collapses along the same lines as the USSR; or to be attempted, at any rate, by the vulture gangsters (sorry real vultures, no disrespect intended!). Unfortunately for the gangsters, though, the US citizens’ constitutional right, heavily exercised, “to keep and bear arms” does rather stand in the way of their rapist plans…

This is the fly in the ointment, of course: That there is right now a steady awakening of common citizens who are so completely disaffected from the manipulations of the criminals that things are building up to the flash-point where revolutions begin. What will the gangsters do when the cattle begin to rise up in arms…? Some of them will end up swinging from lamp-posts, you could foresee: Fauci, Gates, Schwab for example…?

Here’s Michael’s article:

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