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Another vintage Kunstler

For what it’s worth, I endorse everything that Jim says in this mordant metaphor that he offers this week. He’s been telling it as it is, and where, inexorably, it’s going, for years; and now, like Dmitry Orlov’s and John Michael Greer’s efforts at the same clear-seeing futurism, their vindication is unfolding whilst we watch.

We are indeed in the midst of a civilisational struggle; and beneath that, we’re in an absolutely fundamental ecological-overshoot global emergency. (And the rising - if temporary - excellence of the inheritor empires in the North and the East, as they eclipse the nosediving shitstorm of the Anglozionist empire, will not, in the long run, have any effect on cancelling that emergency. They too will be facing it, in Mam Gaia’s good time):

PS: If you haven’t already started, learn to bloody grow vegetables! It’ll take you three seasons to begin to get good enough to grow a reasonable percentage of your own food, if you’re not already competent. And it’s one of the small handful of truly central skills which are going to separate the ants from the grass-hoppers, as the now-arriving Interesting Times burgeon in all their gob-smacking shock and awe.

If you’re already a grand-parent, this is something you need to gently lure your grandchildren into; they’re going to need it. Sweet dreams! :slight_smile: :

Allegorical Intermezzo - Kunstler

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I’d missed several weeks’ worth of the Clusterfcuk posts and this was a really solid finale to a half-hour or so’s catch-up.

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