5 Filters

Andrei has posted a cartoon (for children!) that answers many things for me

A website that always informs, and with humour, which is always a plus with me.

(There’s a ‘bonus’ George Carlin video under the Bonhoeffer one. :blush:)

Bonhoeffer’s reflection on what his countries ‘elites’ had become, will perhaps answer the wonderment of what has happened to ours.
(I can include some of my ever-so-educated :wink: acquaintances in that!)

“In prison, Bonhoeffer began to reflect on how his country of poets and thinkers had turned into a collective of cowards, crooks and criminals. Eventually he concluded that the root of the problem was not malice, but stupidity.”

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Our leaders have been (self?) selected for this attribute. It makes them very convincing to others of the same caste, and thus they form their mutual admiration societies. With power added to the mix they can very easily entrap more and more dim creatures and the herd proliferates.

To escape the lion you needn’t be the smartest zebra, or the fastest, merely a little quicker or a little luckier than just one other zebra. When the stupid people form a mob, feigning stupidity is a sane survival strategy, and thus we’re driven closer to the camp gates.

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The ‘lucky’ zebra may well be the one on the outside of the group that is better placed to see the lion coming!

My Aspi nature is to keep well away from groups / teams, so it is perhaps why any kind of group view have always been viewed through my filter of what is logical and, better yet, moral.

(I have never been a ‘team-player’!) :person_shrugging:

If it doesn’t make any sense to me, it will probably be yet another social thing! These have never made any sense to me! :wink:


I think we’re on the same page here. Suspicion of the herd has served me well and kept me well away from testing centres and Grab A Jab opportunities, for example.

I remember Brian Dean had a cool slogan: Team Spirit Equals Mob Mentality. His website has been broken for ages but seems to have some working pages eg

So, for example, I have never seen Star Wars because the hype saying it was the best film ever, in 1977 (?) made me suspicious and the opinion of just about everybody agreeing with this verdict merely reinforced it. I have no problem with people who love Star Wars btw, I only pick this film because the depth of the hype was so astonishing at the time.

Ha ha! I love his thinking.
Thank you for the link, Karen, it’s very interesting to read how to trick worried minds to just stop.

Writing down what’s worrying you, and then to forget them, is something that most men already do…
although we call it a ‘to-do’ list of jobs needing done! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Those that are best at this become Project Managers, from what I’ve seen :rofl:

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