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America - WTF?

I’ve paid zero attention until today to the story about the exploding Tesla truck outside Trumps hotel in Las Vegas.

And now this.


He also sent emails to this guy looking to expose US war crimes in Afghanistan in 2019, and bizarre claims about the current unexplained space of drone sightings over US air bases ( also just up the road from me in Lakenheath)


His body was burned beyond recognition and yet his passport and ID were lightly singed


Seriously…Wtf is going on here???

Anyone got any insight?

A nice summary of the story so far


Rumour control is saying that he was dead when truck arrived at its destination. I’ve seen Tesla’s summoned to their owner. Also, possibly a patsy who thought they were simply making a delivery.

The trainer?

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This whole thing feels like some weird psyop, but it makes no sense to me.

  • They say he shot himself before the explosion, but video footage seems to show otherwise.
  • The gun (biggest caliber handgun in the world) was found neatly between his feet instead of flung into a corner due to recoil.
  • 2 different forms of ID (barely singed) were found in a truck completely destroyed by fire
  • 2 different texts are left behind that read as though written by 2 different authors, but both ostensibly from this guy. Neither seems to explain what on earth he was trying to accomplish here
  • if he was trying to escape to Mexico, as one message states (why? Why now?) then why pick a Tesla vehicle, capable of remote control and 24hr tracking. Which needs to stop every few hours at a video surveilled charging station?
  • how did he change his PIN on the signal app after he was supposedly already dead? If someone else had his phone then how much of his communication was fake in the run up? Who was impersonating him?
  • what the hell are these stories about Chinese subs off the east coast, and Iranian manpads smuggled into the US with the aim of bringing down Trumps plane? Sounds like total BS to me…

Honestly these questions are just scratching the surface. What on earth is all this about?

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Here’s a hypothesis. Every event that has any questions about the veracity of the events, is a psy op. Then, one must show why that hypothesis is false (using logic and evidence that is verifiable), or the hypothesis stands as fact.

As the FBI seem to be involved in almost every stupid “terrorist”, “lone gunman” or other stupid event, their involvement in this supports the psy op theory.

Right on time, here’s one I missed from the 2nd of January.



Someone is agreeing with you, Pat:

Connor Freeman @FreemansMind96

Jan 5

If a “former” CIA contractor with an inexplicably massive media platform has an “intelligence officer” on his show to scare you to death of Iranian MANPADS shooting American planes out of the sky, you should assume the gov’t is thinking about shooting planes down and blaming Iran


ex-spook Larry Johnson is gamely trying to sort it out:
