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Amazing conversation between Tom Cowan and Stefan Lanka

Another strong sign that the pseudopandemic conspiracy has kicked up an entirely unexpected by-product: the incipient collapse of the whole structure of virus theory! We-heeeeeey! :rofl:

Just gotta stay alive for a bit longer to see where this fantastic roller-coaster ride is going to go:

Rhis, I’ve had yet another member of my family who’s become ‘mysteriously ill’. This is an older cousin of mine. She’s in her 60s and was recently admitted to hospital, where she was diagnosed with ‘inflamed arteries’.

Needless to say, all of these people have been injected up to the eyeballs, and they can’t wait for their next booster shot.

I could really go into one about this. Sometimes, though, you have to resist the temptation.

I’ll have to watch the vid you’ve posted on the morn. I’m transferring huge amounts of data between my computers at the moment, and it really slows up stuff like web browsing.

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Oh, and in case (because it’s almost impossible) you haven’t read every word of my posts over the last six months or so, two of my elderly aunts have been taken into hospital with heart palpitations, etc. My older sister - now knocking 60 - has had a severe case of shingles, but is now recovering (shingles being a circulatory disease). Also, two of my nephews - young men - have been totally laid low with severe respiratory infection.

All of the above people have had the jabs.

I don’t know of anyone who’s refused the jabs who has been ill.

Please correct me if I’m wrong.

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Well, if you count three days of being just marginally under the weather with covid in 2020 - blasted to buggery with mega-dose vitC, natch - I guess I might qualify.

Naturally, I’ve had nothing whatever to do with the poison-stabs; nor any previous recommended ‘immunisations’ either, preferring to trust the ancient natural immunity systems bequeathed to me and everyone by evolution. Just take care of your bodymind by prudent diet/lifestyle/spiritual-discipline, and you do fine, it seems.

There needs to be a serious reckoning done to the criminal bastard conspirators who’ve foisted this ludicrous pandemic-poison-stabs swindle on all the millions of over-trusting people. Death, maiming and misery everywhere the damned junk has been pushed.

And now it’s getting generally admitted that - apart from the huge rip-off that they’ve generated for the BPh criminals, the bourloids - the stabs don’t even do what was originally claimed - mendaciously - for them. Bloody hell, what a shit-storm! Speaking figuratively, heads must roll for this.