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AI's lie, they are super-hackers, they can fake text, photos, videos and audio recordings of anyone or anything - why impose digital ID, it can never be trusted!

Hi folks, I woke up with these thoughts:

We know that AI’s lie
We know AI’s are superhackers
We know AI’s can fake almost anyone or anything
We know AI’s soak up any and all data

  • so why are governments and corporations pushing for global digital ID’s and programmable digital currency- for the man in the street this is technocratic totalitarianism which will destroy all of his assets and rights faster than a blink of the Eye!

At the same time we see fascist police behaviour exemplified by the Met’s approach to protestors against genocide which is essentially training for the complete subjugation of all Government opposition on any subject.
Why would we not believe that government authorities are engaging or preparing to engage in AI generated false flag operations aimed at UK citizens. Once armed with the digital ID’s of everyone and the ability to close down anyone’s bank account at the flick of a switch we are steps away from Armageddon.
