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AI Grok2 programmed to kill billions of non Jews to save one Jew losing 50 cents

Do we want Starmer to let this happen!



This implies the worth of black lives (or any other non-Jewish lives, as shown by the other questions and answers) is zero.

And…a robot so programmed with these values would, for example, happily shoot a black man for whom it reckoned there was a 10% chance he would steal a Jewish man’s $5, or takeaway food.
It might not due to overrides implemented - but that’s what it would want to do.
Even stopping short of certain visible riot-triggering violence, still about the worst fascist you could imagine.
Clearly the AI is like a policeman’s baton; inanimate, but dangerous in the wrong hands - and hard to imagine the right hands.

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I may have missed the main point…they can paper over the cracks such as this (they will call it an aberraiton, a bug) but then underlying values will remain. These answers - even once removed by an override of some kind - show what chance you have of achieving a fair results against the set of values, in any scenario. You might not be shot but you and you’re problem are still assigned a value of useless (if you behave) in the value system.

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I think the ‘hand’ signal in the middle of this image is fairly representative of my feelings about Musk, Nuttyyahoo, and AI generally.