Ah but the vital component (and I mean vital), is personal experience Rhis…the evidence of one’s own senses…the “Venus capture” story fits…it fits all the available facts…what can I say but read the Warlow…it’s not von Daniken, or anything of the sort, Prof.Warlow is a good physicist and he cites both historical and fossil record…read the book…the notion of planetary migration within the solar system is a big new theory for the conventional physicist…but, like the notion (re: Lyall Watson), that hominids interbred as homo sapiens evolved, something we “out there” types have been saying for decades… Gilbert would concur (esp. re: “The Orion Mystery”), … my “potentising bowl” design to help achieve ultimate efficiency re: communication between macrocosm and microcosm when potentising water with crystals is something Schauberger would have understood immediately…!
This is interesting too, a classic “hoax” that unlike the “surgeon’s photograph” would appear not to be a fake…
Quote; "A three-person team was formed to re-analyze the Heflin photos, since we were now able to work from the originals. The team consisted of Dr. Robert M. Wood, Dr. Eric Kelson, and myself.
We set about re-studying the case, particularly the unanswered questions which had been raised:
- the so-called “string” which Spaulding and GSW claimed to have found;
- the problem of the “flat sky” in the first three photos; and
- the enigmatic “smoke-ring.”
The question of Spaulding/GSW’s “string” and “hoax” theory was quickly laid to rest. It was demonstrated beyond doubt that there was no string or other supporting mechanism visible in any of Heflin’s photos.
Contrast-studies of the sky backgrounds in all four photos revealed similar overcast/cloudy conditions in all of them, the major point which had prevented McDonald from accepting the fourth photo as part of a set.
Our analysis also revealed the so-called “wedge of light” on the dark bottom of the craft in Photo #2, in exactly the same position where Dr. Nathan first detected it and which, shortly afterwards, Dr. Wood had also detected in an independent study.
By March, 1994, Dr. Kelson also found a trail of black particulate matter in Photo #3, streaming behind the unidentified craft, and denser in the immediate area just behind the craft.
This “trail” became apparent upon digital contrast enhancement of the third photograph, a standard process in which the image is first scanned and subsequently displayed to emphasize detail.
In the un-enhanced, original Photo #3, the intensity values for the trail and background sky were close enough to each other that the corresponding shades of gray are difficult to distinguish, thus not detected in prior studies in the 1960s and 1970s.
The trail was readily visible, however, when a computer program reassigned the output intensity range so that the darkest sky pixel became black and the brightest sky pixel became white. IS
The material in the Photo #3 smoke-trail seems similar to the particulate matter in the black band surrounding the object, as well as the particulate matter in the smoke-ring.
This constitutes rather thin evidence that the black ring around the object was beginning to separate before the object emitted the smoke-ring.
Computer enhancement also confirmed that the UFO in Heflin’s photo is a large object, approximately 20 feet in diameter and more than 100 feet from the camera, as first estimated by Heflin and corroborated in later studies.*
Kelson also independently detected an unusual “blurring” effect around the craft, particularly in Photo #1, which he stated was not due to motion, camera focus, or to the gaussian effect.
This correlates with Dr. Nathan’s finding 30 years ago of an unexplained “fuzziness” in the craft image.
Our re-analysis of the Heflin UFO photos in 2000 has led to the following conclusions:
the photos are totally consistent with his written and verbal testimony regarding the sighting;
the photos depict a solid, unidentified craft which is moving through the air, leaving a trail;
William Spaulding's "hoax" conclusion in the mid-seventies was derived from faulty data;
the #4 smoke-ring photo is linked by computer-enhancement data to the other three, by cloud and "trail" data which were previously unavailable;
there is evidence that, for 28 years, three of the original four photos were in the hands of unknown persons who took good care of them, while possibly accessing data from them.
Why they were returned to Heflin under totally inexplicable circumstances remains an unsolved mystery.
But friend Rex, as I wrote to you in a letter shortly before you died, a letter which was read to you in the hospital by your friend Larry Tarrant, the UFO field’s study of your incomparable photos continues, and will continue in years to come." Go to: https://rr0.org/time/2/0/0/6/03/Heflins1965PhotosFinallyValidated/index.html for full article and images.
*Italics mine.
Images… https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ocregister.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fmigration%2Fksc%2Fkscnal-b78567417z.120091030154558000g5lkhaum.1.jpg%3Fw%3D620&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ocregister.com%2F2009%2F10%2F30%2Focs-moment-in-ufo-history%2F&tbnid=SouGY-dQrHSGzM&vet=12ahUKEwjMrb3Y9pPwAhWt34UKHRcNDs4QMygYegQIARBV…i&docid=1r-sW0hllFCn0M&w=600&h=378&q=Hub%20Cap%20UFO%20picture&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwjMrb3Y9pPwAhWt34UKHRcNDs4QMygYegQIARBV