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A useful reality check from Annie Bukacek, on the covid scam

Basically saying that ANYONE - including the ‘alt doctors’ - who accepts the PCR ‘test’, and the unquestionable goodness of vaccines, needs to be watched and questioned ruthlessly. None of them - even the renegades - seem to be sufficiently sceptical of the whole ‘dangerous micro-organisms’ kaboodle. You have to turn to people like Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, Stefan Lanka, and Sam Bailey for that degree of meticulous scepticism:

Further to these thoughts: this (below) seems to be an interesting website; but look what happens when you go there: Sam Bailey’s brief trailer to the documentary series still plays (though it kept stopping partway through, and I had to keep re-starting it…?). But when I try to play the documentary episodes, I keep getting a 404, with a come-on to look elsewhere, which then takes me to irrelevancies like Tarot decks. Algo-manipulators pissing us about…? Anyone able to find an actually-working link to the documentary series…?


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Apropos: A thermobaric demolition of the ‘safeneffective’ bollocks, from Jon Rappoport:


I tried three of the links and all 404. Whether or not the episodes have been made is unclear. Possibly only ep1 and ep2. Could be the funding hasn’t been secured, or the whole things a scam, or the episodes (or a subset of them) do exist but have been suppressed.

I tried Rumble. Nothing there.