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A persuasive account of what the covid scam's really about, at Off-G

Posted by investigative free-lance journalist Michael Bryant, at: COVID-19: A Global Financial Operation – OffGuardian

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Strange, isn’t it, how two apparently contradictory hypotheses about what’s happening can both be true at the same time?

The thesis outlined here by Michael certainly carries a strong ring of truth: the global money system was and still is - obviously - on the verge of systemic collapse, and emergency responses by the gics (gangsters-in-charge) were cooked up to crash it deliberately, and also - they wish! - under their control: a controlled demolition where the gics can pick up rich carrion-troves from the wreckage - just like they tried to do to Russia during the '90s. (Comforting to note that they failed then, too, and they’ve been fighting an utterly futile, losing rear-guard action ever since to prevent Russia’s phoenix re-birth.)

But at the same time that Michael’s thesis is highly persuasive, and quite probably right, we need to look at a wider picture to see how the other, apparently contradictory thesis is true too.

And that is that the ructions in human society, particularly the looming economic disasters typified by the 2019 repo crisis, real though they are, are only the inevitable surface-froth consequences of a larger process which is going on steadily and relentlessly, outwith any chance of human control.

This is the geo-physical process of the Long Descent away from hitech industrial societies, mandated, beyond any possibility of human prevention, by the steady biting down right now of the much-derided, but nevertheless bullseye spot-on warnings of the original ‘Limits To Growth’ study of 1972.

Just as that clear statement warned, essential commodities are now getting tight, particularly the irreplaceable (Sic! ‘Renewables’? LOL!) energy-source of fossil-hydrocarbons; the keystone-critical sine qua non of industrialism. The ebbing of these non-substitutable essentials guarantees the unpreventable ebbing of hitech industrialism too.

The Limits are right now arriving, with their bill, pretty accurately on time on the Meadows team’s original projected schedule. And it’s the - utterly, utterly futile - attempt to maintain gic-control whilst this apocalypse plays out, that leads to the sort of transient global bio-fascism scam of the past 34 months, which Michael describes so persuasively.

The gics aren’t going to succeed, though. Look what a pig’s-breakfast they’ve made of their covid scam. Even controlling the Long Descent, let alone preventing it, is simply beyond humankind’s abilities: Hom-sap proposes and the Earth disposes.

And to make our Times even more Interesting, it seems increasingly likely that we may now be heading into something like the next Little (I hope to god!) Ice Age.

Laff? I’m near wetting myself! :rofl:


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Replied at OffG - - - having only very recently realised that they dropped the requirement to use the WordPress login gizmo in order to do so.

Does Bigbro post there anymore? (S)he was always very persuasive on this theme.

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