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A hidden aspect of the "new green deal"

I make no comment on the accuracy of this, but it seems to be in line with eat cockroaches, synthetic meat, and all the prophetic warnings of the Ice Age Farmer. A massive tax on animals.

See the Gail Tverberg link that I’ve just posted. That explains the underlying reason why excessive meat-eating is under attack. Apart from Alan Savory’s wild-herd-mimicking grass-fed meat-animal husbandry, rearing animals for food as we do it currently is ruinously energy-intensive. It can’t, and won’t, go on.

Our immediate descendants will be getting used again to the traditional way of life of grain-staple cuisine, with animal products re-assigned to their traditional role of tasty condiments, added very sparingly to diets based mainly on plant-starch. Which, btw, are deeply satisfying and sustaining, when you embrace them. See, for example, the dietary teachings of Dr. John McDougall; hugely satisfying, spectacularly good for health (and painless overweight loss), and no sweat. No need to view the future with unrelieved gloom! :grinning: