5 Filters

A bit of this, a bit of that, some Chomsky and a fascinating Ivermectin graph

… yup, it’s all there in this recent post by Darren Allen. His abbreviated correspondence with Noam strongly resembles another we’ve seen recently.

The graph contrasting African countries that have used Ivermectin with those that have not is genuinely interesting.

But there’s something in here for everyone, I think.


Yep! He’s definitely pretty damn’ good. Interesting convergence with Dmitry Orlov in this passage:

“A world-wide, inherently alienating, management-deifying machine would still be in charge of the world though; a machine which will never stop pushing for more mechanised control. And an anxious, angry, unconscious, needy, numb, power-mad ego would still be in charge of the selves of the world; an ego which will always be a shaky, thinky, moody, life-ruining imposter.”

That machine is what Dmitry, in his recent writings, calls ‘the technosphere’; and that imposter-ego is what you suffer as the lifelong monkey on your back when you allow yourself to become a working part of the technosphere, of which permanently-hypnotised humans are essential handy parts - but always individually expendable.

The anarcho-underclass which Darren describes are precisely the sort of survivors who will still be around and keeping real human communities going after the Long Descent has finally destroyed the technosphere, by making its physical construct-and-energise natural commodities unavailable, to the point of starving it to death (along with lots of its human fodder). Shocking to realise that perceptive minds such as Zerzan and Chomsky, along with so many others, have succumbed to this expendable-fodder status. HowTF does that happen? Through the power of the all-hypnotising Permanent Bullshit Blizzard, I suppose. Gets even the canniest of the unwary, in the end. Sad business.

Fortunately, courtesy of The Limits To Growth, Koyaanisqatsi - the technosphere - is already dying. But being only Lieutenant-Data/Mr.-Spock-style quasi-rational, and thus being inherently incapable of any deeper form of intuitive awareness, it’s baffled to understand why. It has no chance of saving itself and continuing to leech on genuinely-convivial human societies. The survivor communities, heavily reduced in brute numbers, will inherit hom-sap’s re-balanced niche in Earth’s life-systems. Mam Gaia is not mocked.


I liked this bit:

The system is crap. It’s easy to think, raised on a diet of science fiction and Apple products, that the techno-dystopian near future we’ll soon be in, will be a clean, white, slick death-machine, from which the human soul has no chance of escaping. In reality, what is being built will inevitably be a shoddy, shonky, leaky, botch job, and although many millions will be annihilated by its agonisingly inefficient and inhuman functioning, many more will be able to slip through the gaps automatically produced by trying to control everything.

I’m coming round to think that very soon there will be two parallel societies: those who go along with the bio-police state, and the renegades who refuse to obey. I don’t think the psychos who rule us will start executing the renegades, as long as we’re not a threat to them.


My first thought was that this picture is a bit too neat.


Okay, it wasn’t my first thought, In fact it wasn’t my thought at all.

Another of my non-thoughts, or rather non-my thoughts: this is sub-Saharan Africa

where you get river blindness - for which Ivermectin is widely prescribed
(Wikipedia link not provided - sorry, Rhis :slightly_smiling_face:).

The Reddit thread I cribbed this info from says this is the study from which the graph is taken:
Why COVID-19 is not so spread in Africa: How does Ivermectin affect it?

" Conclusions The morbidity and mortality in the onchocerciasis endemic countries are lesser than those in the non-endemic ones. The community-directed onchocerciasis treatment with ivermectin is the most reasonable explanation for the decrease in morbidity and fatality rate in Africa. In areas where ivermectin is distributed to and used by the entire population, it leads to a significant reduction in mortality."

Where I Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/DebateVaccines/comments/pe9275/africa_daily_deaths100k_ivermectin_countries_vs/


Perhaps, but it seems to me more and more are joining the renegades and the executions will likely (I live in eternal hope) may well be the renegades seeking vengence for their loved ones killed in care homes by Midazolam, the poison jab or just suicide because of eternal lockdown.