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Watching Washington Foment Nuclear War

When reading the opinions about “he should step aside” I must admit I interpret this as meaning Bribe’em ought to leave office now. Seemingly this is NOT what is meant at all.

Remember what it feels like on the last day of term, or while serving out your notice before starting a new job? There’s a certain recklessness that sets in, the knowledge that someone else will have to clear your mess up. The exact reason why many employers tell you to go home on gardening leave to get you out of the way. Multiply that n times when you never knew what you were doing in the first place.

Now think forward say a month or so. New girl in charge in France. That dweeb Starmer in office in London. The same puppet barely conscious in DC…

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This floated through my telegram. The date and message from a dead man is spooky.


Thanks KE, finally got round to this. Worth the effort as there’s a lot in it.
It’s also good just to read something from a leader that’s written with a bit of sober gravitas.

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I’m reminded slightly of Kurt Vonnegut’s last novel Timequake in which people have to relive a ten year span of their lives before they can move forwards again. Particularly galling if you were just coming to the end of a prison sentence.

Making the same mistakes as last time, not learning anything genuinely new… it’s pretty much exactly what the “new” never-normal feels like.

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Interesting also that the time traveller is apparently Russian?

There’s a lot of chatter about Biden getting binned especially since the debate with Trump. There was also the video of him - Biden not Trump - apparently having a crap on stage lol! A bit later on in another video he says to someone something like “they cleaned me up pretty good”. FFS!

I don’t know much about John McAfee apart from him having made and lost a fortune with McAfee Antivirus. I saw an interview with him once where he said that the smartphones were designed primarily as a bug. He also appeared to be having some sort of acrimonious long running argument with the CIA over something or other. IIRC he predicted his own death and was murdered (?) in prison. Interesting character. All very weird.


Joe Biden asked to step aside in race for US president | BBC News

First 2 minutes…

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Reports vary, the consensus seems to be that edging him out in favour of anyone other than Kamala would mean sacrificing a lot of, if not all of, campaign funding. A bedtime hot toddy of warm milk and a little something seems to me a more likely outcome. Kamala could stand, taking advantage of the nation’s sympathy, and later on step aside in favour of t.b.c.

But chances are the Dems can’t win either way

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US missiles in Germany. 14mins.

Peskov called Europe a “potential victim” of Russian missiles due to the US

If American missiles are deployed in Europe, it will be targeted by Russian missiles in response, said Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the Russian president. He described the situation as “paradoxical” and noted that Europe is currently “bursting at the seams.”

Russia has always responded to the deployment of American long-range missiles by designating European countries as targets for our missiles. When asked if Russia would respond with missile deployment now, Peskov confirmed, saying, “America continues to make money, Europe is in the sights of our missiles, and our country is in the sights of American missiles located in Europe. We’ve been through this before. We have enough potential to counter these missiles. But the potential victims are the capitals of these countries.”

On July 10, the US announced that in 2026 it would begin “episodic” deployment of long-range weapons, including SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles, as well as still-developing hypersonic weapons in Germany. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz stated this fits into the country’s national security strategy and ruled out dragging Berlin into an arms race between Washington and Moscow. He noted an “incredible buildup of arms” in Russia, particularly in systems threatening Europe, and said the deployment of American missiles will help deter Russia.

Russia considered the US decision “one of the links in an escalatory course” and promised a military response. President Vladimir Putin had previously warned that Russia would respond symmetrically if American medium- and short-range missiles were deployed


Chilling to recall those Deagle population projections

Great find. The Deagle site disappeared a while back and I couldn’t find it on the Wayback Machine. Of course anyone asking why the massive reductions, would just be either alt right or a conspiracy theorist.

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