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UK bans vaccines for under 12?

According to The Naked Emperor (Ivor Cummings I think)
Reported by Igor Chudov

Anger at plans to roll back Covid vaccines to under-11s in England

Anger must be pharma shareholders

"However, Prof Christina Pagel, of University College London, criticised the move.

“JCVI itself considered there to be a benefit to young children to be vaccinated – even if most of them had already been infected,” she said.

““When we know there is a safe and effective vaccine available this seems unjustifiable to me,” said Pagel, adding that – while rare – children had died from Covid.”

Hm. If there’s a safe and effective vaccine, why weren’t we told


You can see why JMGreer predicts a precipitous fall in prestige for the class of scientists/technocrats, and their arcane mysteries, in the near term, can’t you; already happening, I’d say.

That such a prominent ‘expert’ should be so wilfully, idiotically - and literally criminally - blind is simply astonishing. Even more so when you consider that a whole slew of them are still braying the same lethal tosh.

Shows what idiots the highly-educated, high-IQ ‘experts’ can be, when they choose to exalt their scientism religion above sheer common-sense street savvy, doesn’t it? It takes a really spectacular level of damn’foolishness to go on pretending that the official ‘safe’n’effective’ bollocks on the poison-stabs is true, in the face of the tidal wave of death, maiming and illness that they’re inflicting. And also the emerging fact of their sheer bloody uselessness at their - proclaimed - purpose: no protection, no preventing of infectivity. No bloody good at all, except as crass money-grubbers (and possible mass-cull agents, over the medium term). A huge crime against humanity, in short.

Lord what (utter bloody) fools these mortals be!

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Not so much a fool - but another repurposed mathematical modeller, no med quals like many in the woodwork wheeled out most regularly.

My recollection was the JVC1 said the benefits for children were “marginal” and at the time they were wriggling like worms on a hook, and said “please take the decision out of our hands”, while some of their US counterparts were resigning over it.

7/8/21 JCVI ‘largely opposed’ to Covid vaccination for children under 16
“Scientists say younger people might be better off catching virus
Children may be better off catching Covid than having a vaccination
Professor Robert Dingwall said it may be safer due to small risk of side effects

“The JCVI has moved to “refresh” the membership of its Covid subcommittee in recent weeks, with one prominent critic of Covid jabs for children, Prof Robert Dingwall, leaving the body

“even if most of them had already been infected”

That’s worse than foolish. Singing the company song, when no one outside the company was singing it.

UK Column News was celebrating this today. Meanwhile, as reported,

"Children aged 5-11 will no longer be offered Covid jabs, except those in clinical risk groups, UKHSA confirms"

OK to stick the already poorly/disabled kids then. Some victory.

Yes I don’t see that it is “a ban”.

Wonder if it’s to do with this:

British Government Begins Paying $140,000 to COVID-19 Vaccine-Injured Victims
